Topic:History of America


Volume: 4 pages

Type: Essay


Broad topic is a comparison of the causes of the American Revolution to the need for the Constitution. Remember all the work I made you do on the causes of the Revolution? Well now you get to combine it with the Federalist antifederalist arguments. Notice that for the most part changes in the colonists ideas of liberty and freedom crashed with Parliament’s actions following the Seven Years War. American colonists felt betrayed as they fought a war to rid the continent of Spain and France in the belief they would be rewarded with land and economic opportunity. Instead they got Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Acts, Stamps Acts, Massacres, ect… the result was the American Revolution and freedom. But…. notice how changes in the Citizens of the United States ideas of liberty and freedom crashed with the actions of Congress, The Articles of Confederation, and state governments’ following the American Revolution. American citizens felt betrayed as they fought a war to rid the continent of Britain in the belief they would be rewarded with land and economic opportunity. Instead they got… you tell me and then explain why this time the clash resulted in unity in the form of the Constitution rather than another revolution. What changed? 1000 words cited with footnotes. Do not quote historians and outside sources are strictly prohibited. In other words you can only use Foner, Berkin, and the primary documents provided.

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