Breast self-awareness in Muslim women in US
Part 1: Problem
Article assessments have indicated the state of the breast cancer being able to kill more women than the terrorist attacks. An awareness of the state has been hampered with sharp focus on culture, (Saleha, 2009). The Muslim women perceive the breast related diseases as social stigma affecting the majority of the Muslim nations. The different aid groups have indicated the highest rate of breast diseases in Muslim women. The Muslim women uphold a conservative culture. The naming of the word breast indicates a sense of sexuality instead of health. The upholding of the values on the state of breasts is considered to be immoral and should not be evaluated.
Impact of problem
The problem of the Muslim culture on the nursing activities and patient outcomes are the following. The nurses are forced to search for the best ways of addressing the condition of a patient’s breast. The choice of words and ease of assessment have been affected by the state of values of the people, (Suleiman, 2009). The psychosocial impacts have been on the state of shyness or embarrassment. The Muslim women feel embarrassed when addressing the state of their breasts. The Muslim women tend to keep quietly. The state of not addressing the problem makes the conditions of the women to be worse. The cost for treatment doubles as compared to prevention, (Turk, 2010). The last impact of the problem is on education. The misconceptions and small knowledge for the state of the breast affect the individual’s self-awareness.
The article will offer suggestions on raising breast awareness among the Muslim women. The identification of the problem and the perceived susceptibility can help religious leaders, community programs and healthcare personnel to control the state of the breast related diseases.
The first solution of the self-awareness of the breast is the reliance and rallies support from the religious leaders. The Muslim women are dedicated to the information offered from their sheikhs. The use of the leaders will help the women to come out and state their conditions to the healthcare providers recommended by the sheikhs, (Suleiman, 2009). The second solution is the removal of the prejudice within the healthcare institution. The stigmatization and neglect of the Muslim women should be avoided and checked by the management. The management of the hospitals has the mandate of offering help to all the USA citizens. The care should be irrespective of the patient’s religion.
Saleha, M. (2009). Cultural standpoint of global Breast Health or Breast Cancer edification: Journal on Nursing Scholarship, 39, 2, 105-112
Suleiman, S. M. (2009). Jordanian nurses’ information and preparation on breast self-examination. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65, 2, 412-416
Turk, M. (2010). The effects of an instructive program on acquaintance of breast cancer, early exposure practices and health philosophy of nurses or midwives: Journal on Clinical Nursing, 19, 2363-2371
Part 2: Developing a Question
The Young Muslim women are the subject of the evaluation. The global Muslim groups or communities have been affected with the sharp focus on the state of wars against the Muslim people. The public scrutinies for the young Muslims in the USA have gripped fear upon the young Muslim women.
The teaching of breast self-awareness for the women will help in the identification of the follow-up campaigns. The teaching of the need and ways of assessment will help in the control of the chances for the breast cancer.
The women who do not take the self-awareness tests can fall under the five percent of women with breast cancer. The five percent are all under the age of forty. The shock and challenge affecting the young women affects the recovery, survivorship, career and family relations for the young women.
The article is aimed at Increase the likelihood of detecting breast cancer. The provision of the suggestions on control will allow the achievement of the different ways used for the assessment of activities within the operation of the organization.
PICO Question
Population: Young Muslim women
Intervention: Teaching of breast self-awareness
Compare: To not expose to the teaching
Outcome: Increase the likelihood of detecting breast cancer.
In young Muslim women (P), does teaching of breast self-awareness (I), compare to not expose this teaching (C), increase the likely of detecting breast cancer (O)?
Part 3: Annotated Bibliography
Atkins H. (2012). Providing antenatal sickle cell or thalassemia screening for pregnant women in primary hospital care: Qualitative learning on women’s experiences and expectations of participation: Journal on Health Expectations, 15, 2, 115-125
The article assesses the state of the women acceptability to a condition. The article findings indicated that women will go for the early diagnosis for pregnancies. The article suggested the use of promotional information for the breast self-awareness.
Yang, K. (2012). Patient-Centred Care for young Adults with Chronic Conditions: A Stepwise advancement from the American Geriatrics civilization: Journal on the American Geriatrics Society, 60, 10, 1957-1968
The article assesses the greatest challenges were affecting the state of geriatrics and optimal care for the adults. The focus on breast cancer and multiple chronic conditions offer insight on breast self-awareness for women. The gravity of the awareness problem is expressed on the level of multi-morbidity for patients. The article supposed the proposed solutions through clinical management.
John PD. (2012). Guiding morality for the Care of young Adults with Multi-morbidity: An Approach for Clinicians: Journal on American Geriatrics Society, 60, 10, 125- 139
The evaluation offers the assessment of the guiding principles of assessing Multi-morbidity of chronic diseases. The article assesses 1751 adults on the state of treatment. The lack of awareness led to a hazard ratio of 1.09. The article concluded that multi-morbidity affected the mediated level of disability.
Leander, B. (2011). Morality shifting in the situation of intergroup aggression: European Journal on Social Psychology, 42, 1, 82-91
The article helps in the assessment of the social psychology of the young Muslims. The focus on the intergroup violence expresses the state of access to the breast self-awareness. The qualitative article indicated the threats, cognitive accessibility and language related foundations.
Geoffrey S. (2012). Things Fall Apart: Dictatorships, expansion, and Democracy for Africa. Journal on Economic Issues, 2, 371-382
The article assesses the state of the economic structures for the Muslim communities. The qualitative article indicates the lack of freedom for the small Muslim communities to move out of the state of durability and stable development. The article supports the solution through the assessment of the required freedom, in Muslim countries.
Smith, D. (2012). The social and financial consequences of housing in numerous occupations (HMO) in UK coastal towns: Journal on religious segregation. Transactions on the Institute of British Geographers, 29, 3, 461-476
The article is helpful in the assessment of the divided communities, deprivation and social segregation. The conceptual demonstration of the population challenges and social relations express the problems of Muslim’s self-awareness.
Marsella, A. (2012). Psychology and Globalization: Understanding a religious Relationship. Journal on Social Issues, 68, 3, 454-472
The article helps in the evaluation of the social issues affecting the state of globalization and social sciences. The qualitative article offers the measures for assessing the different psychological issues affecting young Muslim women. The psychological perspective assesses the critical implication of psychology.
Carolissen, R. (2012). “Belonging” as a Theoretical structure for the Study of Psychology and Globalization: Journal on Social Issues, 68, 3, 630-642
The article assesses the ways the medical fraternity can use counter-transformative approaches on psychological evaluation. The article offers an assessment of the preventative mechanism for breast cancer. The discursive construction examines the transformation and article assessment.
Turk, M. (2010). The effects of an instructive program on acquaintance of breast cancer, early exposure practices and health philosophy of nurses or midwives: Journal on Clinical Nursing, 19, 2363-2371
The assessment identifies the issues nurses face in the early detection of breast conditions. The highlight of the challenges offers the definition of the possible ways of controlling breast cancer. The article suggests the use of the educational intervention.
Reminisce, L. (2009). The confrontation of Early Breast Cancer Detection amid Immigrant and Minority Women on Multicultural Societies: The Breast awareness Journal, 12, 1, 54- 69
The article expresses the sociological barriers presented in the traditional cultures. The researcher assessed the preventative healthcare and breast screening promotion. The evaluation offers the assessment of the different socioeconomic factors.
Reisch, L. (2011). Self-Detection is a Key technique of Breast Cancer uncovering for U.S. Women. Journal of Women’s Health, 20, 8, 1135-1139
The article offers insight on self-detection promotional activities. The assessment offers the assessment of the women’s health assessment. The assessment of the methods for promoting self awareness will be helpful in the research.
Hood, K. (2011). The development of worry after breast cancer threat assessment: 6-year follow-up of the TRACE learning cohort. Psycho-oncology, 20, 9, 984-991
The article addresses the different ways of worry. The assessment of the anxiety and panic offers insight on the issues of Psycho-oncology. The research will be helpful in the assessment of activities.
Şahin, H. (2011). Effect of the Breast healthiness Program grounded on Health Belief reproduction on Breast Health Perception and Screening Behaviors: The Breast Journal, 17, 6, 680-682
The editorial assesses the effects of breast programs. The assessment of the perceptions and screening behavior allow the evaluation of breast cancer. An evaluation of the effects is based on the changes of screening and perceptions.
Saleha, M. (2009). Cultural standpoint of global Breast Health or Breast Cancer edification: Journal on Nursing Scholarship, 39, 2, 105-112
The article supports the solution for the article due to the focus on the best teaching or learning strategies for the young Muslim women. The article assessed 32 nurses of 20 countries. The article concluded that training the trainers will help in the maintaining of Muslim cultural values and assessment of practices.
Suleiman, S. M. (2009). Jordanian nurses’ information and preparation on breast self-examination. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65, 2, 412-416
The article offers valuable details on the promotion of breast self-examination. The assessment of the promotional approaches assures the success of breast cancer assessment. The article assessed 347 registered nurses. The article support’s the provision of routine sensitization of breast cancer for young Muslim women.