Children with Autism
Format MLA
Volume of 8 pages
Assignment type : Term paper
Although children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are frequently included in mainstream classrooms (or, inclusion settings), it is not known how their social networks change compared to typically developing children and whether the factors predictive of this change may be unique (Anderson, 2015). They often experience misperception of their social involvement at school; they may see themselves as more or less socially involved than their peers or parents report. For example, in one study found that children with ASD saw themselves as more connected than their peers saw them. Children with ASD nominated many more children as friends at school than peers nominated them (Chamberlin et al., 2007). Studies show that children with ASD often have significant social skills deficits that may interfere with their acceptance by others (Mesibov & Shae, 1996).
For your midterm thesis paper, take a position on mainstreaming.
Examples of what to include: How beneficial is mainstreaming? Does the child with ASD learn to fit in? Should there be a grade/age/specific curriculum when the student with ASD attends other classes? When are inclusion settings acceptable? What about harassment?