Imagine that, as a health care manager, you are preparing to provide your employees their annual performance feedback that will acknowledge both their areas of strengths and their deficiencies. Think of some strategies you will use to deliver the feedback and the steps you will take to avoid any biases. Respond to the following questions: 175 words
What are some strategies to consider when delivering performance appraisals to health care employees?
What strategies have or have not worked for you in the past, either as a manager delivering a performance appraisal or as an employee receiving a performance appraisal?
Britt Hill #1
Hello class, What are some strategies to consider when delivering performance appraisals to health care employees?
When performance appraisals use effective strategies, they assist in the development of the employee and provide a clear understanding of areas they need improvement and areas they have excelled and seen growth. Performance appraisals motivate an employee and set a clear path to their goals. Effective strategies are to ensure time to have a question and answer session, have notes to back up performance ratings, be aware of body language, maintain open communication, and encourage self-review. An employee must be made aware that performance appraisals are to develop their skills and goals.
What strategies have or have not worked for you in the past, either as a manager delivering a performance appraisal or as an employee receiving a performance appraisal?
A strategy that worked in the past as an employee was open dialogue. Also, having notes to refer to has helped me with my confidence because I become nervous. Another strategy was how prepared my manager was; they didn’t fumble around, and they were well-organized. Lastly, they maintained a positive environment where constructive feedback created growth and contributed to my accomplished goals.
Claud D #2
Working as a manger, we have monthly meetings with each individual persons and with everyone as a whole. Our office give a survey to all the staff in our department and get them to say what they think of everyone strengths and one weakness for each individual and I would take to the employee after all the surveys come back and which ever answer that was more common in the rankings I will bring it up and ask what can you do better or to make this a strength. At times it can be uncomfortable because a lot of individuals doesn’t like constructive criticism. After we discuss what the person could do to step up their game. I would also give my opinion on what I think, the person can do to become better in the department and I will also discuss their strengths and let them know why they are valued in the company. This will give them a boost because sometimes after the negative remarks it can hurt someone’s ego. So, just given that person a compliment make the situation better.