Format Other
Academic Level: Masters
Volume of 500 – 4500 pages (10 pages)
Discipline Business
Assignment type : Dissertation
Academic Integrity: Avoiding Plagiarism, Collusion and Other Issues
It is important to adhere to high standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity refers to ethical, honest and responsible conduct in writing and reporting. Breaches of academic integrity include:
Plagiarism – submitting another person’s words or ideas as your own without appropriate acknowledgement and referencing.
Collusion – submitting work as if it is one’s own when in reality it has been completed with others, including assisting or being assisted by another; receiving or giving assignment details to another; or publishing one’s work or related AIB materials online.
Contract writing (ghost writing) – submitting work that has been contracted out to others to complete on one’s behalf. This is a form of collusion.
Fabrication – submitting work with results or data that do not exist and that have been made up.
Double submission – submitting substantially the same piece of work for more than one subject unless agreed upon with the facilitators of the different subjects.