Format MLA
Volume of 1400 – 1550 words (6 pages)
Assignment type : Essay
Websites Options
For the purpose of the module assessment (PART 1 and PART 2), you are asked to select ONE firm .
The analysis of JC SPORTS / BOUNDARY MILL STORES online presence is based on their current website. You are therefore required to take snapshots of their web pages immediately as the website may change in the near future. (To take snapshots, press PRTSC, then paste into a word document).
Assessment Outline
The module assessment provides a platform for students to demonstrate their understanding and application of emarketing theory explored in the lectures, seminars and practical sessions. This will incorporate all the skills learned on the module and it is designed to reflect a real-life situation.
There are two pieces of assessed coursework for this module, PART 1 & 2.
In the role of an Emarketing consultant employed by your chosen firm, you have been asked to analyse and critique their online presence in terms of customer web experience, online service quality, online customer engagement and social media networking (PART 1).
Subsequently, following your analysis in PART 1 you are asked to propose an E-Strategy to enhance the firm’s online presence. This should involve proposing SMART objectives, discussing recommendations and considering evaluation methods (PART 2).
This is an opportunity to look at how a well-established bricks and mortar firm can best take advantage of the Internet and put theory into practice.
Assessment PART 2: Max 1,500 words
Having carried out a thorough analysis of the firms’ current online presence in PART 1, you should propose an E-Marketing strategy for the firm. This should include:
o Clearly defined SMART objectives
o Proposed recommendations to meet objectives
o Proposed evaluation methods
Drawing on your critique and analysis in PART 1, Coursework 2 naturally moves on to develop an estrategy, which will enhance the firms current online position from an emarketing perspective. You are asked to develop three to four SMART objectives of estrategic importance to the firm. These should be SMART, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Thereafter, you should make recommendations to address each of your objectives. Finally, you should report how you intend to measure the success of your proposed estrategy and outline a set of evaluation methods. Again, high marks will be awarded for creativity, innovative ideas, relevance, emarketing focus, sound SMART objectives, quality of strategic recommendations, valid evaluation methods and evidence of extensive reading of relevant literature.
There are no right or wrong answers to this coursework; all ideas are welcome. However, your response should address the assignment brief with reason and relevance; points should be well articulated and justified. The proposed estrategy needs to be coherent, with clear, well-defined SMART objectives, sound recommendations and evaluation methods.
Assessment PART 2: Report Structure
The word count for the report is maximum 1,500 words excluding references and appendices. Please note that reports exceeding the word count may have their marks reduced.
Each report should be in 12-point Times Roman or Arial, 1.5 line spacing. Clearly expressed points in English, careful punctuation and appropriate use of paragraphs will be appreciated, and will help improve your work.
The assignment should be submitted in report format with content page, appropriate headings, referencing. Please state word count on cover page.
While you are free to format and structure your report accordingly, it is expected to include:
o Title Page;
o Content List;
o Introduction;
o Main Body:
SMART Objectives
Evaluation Methods
o Summary/concluding remarks;
o References and Appendices.
The format of the report will be discussed further in class.
Assessment Guidance and Support
To complete this assignment successfully, you will have to conduct your own analysis based on the secondary data available. You will be expected to make use of resources such as lecture notes, books, academic journals, industry reports etc with appropriate referencing.
A full list of references of all sources (whether academic or industry-based) must appear at the end of your assignment. Please follow Harvard referencing style. Sources must also be indicated clearly in the main text, as they arise. You must not copy material directly from any source word for word without acknowledgement, and neither must you paraphrase material from any source (academic or business) without acknowledgment. To do so is ‘plagiarism’, which is a serious academic offence. Very important: this report must be entirely your own work and no-one else’s.
Please consult the Academic Referencing Guide attached at the end of this assessment brief.
The appendices you include in the report should be relevant. Materials that appear in the appendices must be referred to and commented upon in the main text, otherwise they will not be counted towards your grade. Appendices should not be treated as an extension of the main report.
The teaching team will provide students help and support towards their assignment throughout this journey in every possible way. Lectures, seminars and practical sessions are designed to stimulate students thinking, equip students with a range of theoretical/analytical tools and examples of relevant case studies scenarios, all aligned with the assessment components. In particular, seminars have been specifically developed to provide practice with key tasks and to tackle any issues as they arise. All this reflects the importance attached to the assessed coursework, reflecting the practical nature of the subject, and linking theory with practice. The teaching team will also be reachable through email, blackboard, advice and feedback hours and classes.