
Format MLA

Volume of 8 pages (2200 words)

Assignment type : Essay

The Meta-themes Paper requires you to bring together material from throughout the term and use it to illustrate what you have learned about the cross-cutting themes of the course. You should be able to complete parts of the Meta-Themes Paper over the course of the term. Please do not wait until the final week to complete it. If you wait until the final week of the term to begin this assignment, you will become overwhelmed and your grade will suffer.

Review the detailed Turnitin instructions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. on how to submit your assignments and how to review the Grademark comments (feedback) from your professor.

Assignment Expectations:

There are no extensions on this assignment deadline.
The Meta-themes Paper is worth 100 points.
The Meta-themes paper must be formatted as follows:
Word document
Cover page with your name, Panther ID, date of submission, course name/number, and semester
One-inch margins
12-point Times New Roman font
Page numbers in upper-right-hand corner
Maximum of two pages per Meta-theme; maximum of eight pages of text. With the cover page (1) and the Endnotes page (2 or 3 at the most), your paper should run to no more than 11 or 12 pages total
Use the Endnotes function to cite your sources. Endnotes should be single spaced. Remember that all of the references will be to Readings or Cases, so simply use the information from the syllabus for each source you cite. Do not use sources other than those provided in the course; do not search the internet or the library for additional sources.
You may cite Readings and Cases no more than twice. You can reuse the same Reading or Case to illustrate multiple Meta-themes. However, you must cite all six of the Readings and all three of the Cases.

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