Synthesis of Sources Essay on Gun Control
Service: Coursework Total:
Type of work: Writing Summary Page: NO
Study level: College Draft delivery: NO
Number of pages: 8 Outline: NO
Number of sources: 10 Cover Page: Yes
Referencing style: APA Bibliography / Formatted reference list: NO
Spacing: Double Language/sources: Not specified
Instruction & Requirements:
Your synthesis essay, or literature review, should be 2000-2500 words, not including your “references” pages at the end of the review. In other words, the text of the paper should be 2000-2500 words. In addition your synthesis essay should include at least 10-12 scholarly sources in the “references” section. As stated above, this means that you may decide not to use all 12 sources that you summarized in your annotated bibliography. You are free to use all 12 of them. Please see attachment…

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