Telemedicine responsibilities for Healthcare Managers
Principal objectives
The principal objective was on the assessment of the implications and advantage of implementing ethical and legal responsibilities for computer applications.
Methods used
The research’s method employs the qualitative research method. The research’s design was based on the assessment of different journal articles and healthcare manager’s insight.
Principal results
Healthcare managers require the implementation and adherence to computer applications ethical and legal responsibilities. The Telemedicine deals with access, property, accuracy and privacy. The control of the use of the computer systems will help in the safeguarding of the organizational profit.
Main conclusions
Ethical and legal responsibilities for computer application increase the productivity of the Healthcare Institution.
Background Information
Telemedicine emerged as the young discipline in the 1960. The applications dealt with the handling of the different clinical issues. In 1980, the discipline of computer application was offered as computer science, (Caraway, 2009). The different healthcare institutions have increased their training programs to deal with the creation of biomedical sciences. The creation of professional societies, quality scientific meetings, information degree programs and provision of journals has indicated an increase in the state of the scientific discipline, (Melville, 2014).
The use of the traditional monitoring systems has left healthcare institutions complaining of the bulkiness of information, large cost of operation and the state of the records not congruent with the performance of other activities. The telemedicine have assisted the healthcare institutions on different fronts, (Caraway, 2009). The application’s systems have a wireless implanted or wearable system which monitors the human body parameters. The body motion, the heartbeat rate, blood oxygen saturation, body temperature and blood sugar level are assessed through different computer applications, (Caraway, 2009). The continuous monitoring and long-term care can be stored and assessed by the healthcare personnel.
Nature and scope of the problem
The healthcare administrators have been charged with the problem of managing the ethical and legal responsibilities of the use of the computer applications. The lack of information and negligence of the ethical or legal responsibilities poses the problem for the operation of the Healthcare Institution.
The hypothesis for the research is as follows.
Hypothesis One: Healthcare managers require the implementation and adherence to computer applications ethical and legal responsibilities.
Hypothesis Two: Healthcare managers do not require the placement of the ethical and legal responsibilities for healthcare operations.
Approach Justification
The investigation will employ the grounded theory approach. The approach will help in the assessment of the explicit data analysis techniques for the textual information. The approach will help in the unification of the data collection for the analysis, (Melville, 2014). The approach will be facilitated through the implementation of Meta-analysis.
Principal results
The principal results will be grounded on the impact of the manager’s considerations of the ethical and legal responsibilities.
Main conclusions
The nature of the problem is on the assessment of the implications on not considering the ethical and legal responsibilities of computer applications. The background information offers the historical perspective of computer application development into the healthcare institutions. The research will implement the grounded theory approach for the assessment of the ethical and legal responsibilities of computer applications.
Methods and materials
The research’s methods implemented was qualitative research assessment. The presented hypothesis will require the explanation of different ideas, concepts and evaluations. The qualitative approach will be helpful in the assessment of subjectivity. The assessment will help in the evaluation of concepts, ideas and thoughts. The approach is helpful in the quantifying of the research objective with the assessment of the concrete findings, calculations and facts for the Healthcare Institution, (Moorhead, 2013). The phenomenological perspective of qualitative design will help in the understanding of the healthcare management perspective.
The research used interview and article analysis. The interviews were placed on the different healthcare managers. The questioning assessed the overall perception and implementation effectiveness for the ICT implementation. The interviews were guided by the analysis of the different guidelines of implementing the different articles for the Healthcare Institution. The compilation of the qualitative information on the perception allowed the assessment of the different methods that can be implemented to improve the state of the freedom for the article and interview analysis, (James and Lewis, 2011). The Meta-analysis approach helped in the combination of the results from the different individual studies. The assessment helped in the combination of the pertinent quantitative and qualitative study of data from the several selected studies. The conclusion of the analysis was based on the definition of the ethical and legal responsibilities of computer applications. The legal issues and information for assessment of the facts help in the delivery of the
The assessment was used to collect different journals through systematic review. The Meta-analysis approach assured the confirmation of the data offered in the assessment. The ability to extrapolate the healthcare institution’s research was implemented. The keywords for the assessment are based on the combination of the several selected RCT results, (Moorhead, 2013). The highest-level of the evidence hierarchy was offered in the assessment of the research journals. The articles and journals were obtained from reputable online database. These were EBSCOHOST, PUBMED, COCHRANE and MEDLINE databases, (Ronald and Jeannie, 2010). The assessment of the articles was dependent on the effect and power of analysis for the precision of the estimates and treatment assessment. The exclusion criteria for the research were based on the type and time of publication.
The research’s materials used for the assessment were the following. The assessment of the healthcare records and softcopy data will be assessed in the research. The data obtained from the healthcare records and register helped in the clarification of requests, probing of perceptions, reflection of the ethical and legal responsibilities of computer applications, and increasing the ability of exploring different topics, (Melville, 2014). The tape recorder and interview books were needed for the eliciting of the feelings and insights for the different managers. The tape recorder helped in assessing the different issues needed for the evaluation of the research. The ethical and legal responsibilities of computer applications were compiled through the election of a focus group, (Meyer, 2011). The focus group met to assess and evaluate the different insights required for the evaluation of the research. The last material was on the use of letters and open-ended questionnaires. The managers were required to answer the questionnaire when the interviewing time was not sufficient. The questionnaire offered no reference to the participants. The confidentiality of the records helped in the assessment of the different issues to be expected in the assessment of the ethical and legal responsibilities of computer applications.
The computer applications required the electronic device that was complete with the information of processing the system. The different managers recounted on the different advancements offered in the probabilistic medical reasoning, patient care systems, patient monitoring systems, computer aided surgery, record application systems, the internet, imaging modalities and telemedicine, (Meyer, 2011). The questionnaire helped to focus on the ethical and legal responsibilities of computer applications, (Ararat, 2009). The focus on performing diagnostic tests, monitoring of patients, scheduling and compiling of records required the maintenance of the ethical and legal responsibilities.
The ethical and legal responsibilities of computer applications pose three crucial issues. The hand-held portable computer, confidentiality and contingency backup plan were required to be protected, (Moorhead, 2013). The placements of the hand-held portable computers have posted the risk of sharing vital information that can tarnish the operations of the Healthcare Institution. The enhancement of the quality patient care will assure the successful application of activities for the Healthcare Institution, (Melville, 2014). The computer technology can have a tremendous impact for the healthcare field. The issue of contingency back-up has been posted on the need of managing the best approaches of assessing the Healthcare Institutional activities, (Ararat, 2009). The confidentiality clause has forced the managers to assess the ways of guarding the operations conducted through the computer applications.
Ethical responsibilities
The ethical responsibility for the managers is based on the valuation of the specialized knowledge and positions for the authority and respect of the community. The duty to exercise the use of the computer applications power responsibly is based on the assessment of the different clinical and community issues, (Caraway, 2009). The code of ethics dictates the need for the healthcare personnel to use the assessment with the consistence to the public interest, (Catherine, 2011). The employer and the client will be required to act in a manner for the best interests of the employer and client through the assessment of the public interest, (Melville, 2014). The healthcare personnel have the responsibility of advancing the reputation and integrity of the profession through the consistent public interests. The product of the computer applications is required to offer the patients the highest value of quality care. The managers are required to evaluate the diversity of interests for the different individuals within the Healthcare Institution, (Wilkins and McGuire, 2009). The interests tend to be in conflict with each other. The conflicts in the use and sharing of information should be avoided by the managers.
Legal responsibility
The use of a computer application requires the identification of the laws and the rights of patients on computer applications. The patients have the right and freedom to information. The lack of disclosure of the information to the patient can force the formation of a lawsuit against the patient. The other legal responsibility is coined on the freedom and right of communication, (Meyer, 2011). The managers have the right to communicate with colleagues and patients under certain provisions. The use of the computer applications should consider the need of assessing the issues of the public and market administration. The managers have a responsibility of ensuring the informational security, (Stephen, 2011). The identification of compromised problem will pose the assessment of the dangers affecting the issues of quality and good governance.
The managers have the responsibility of maintaining a good relationship and transparency between the employees and computer application, (Caraway, 2009). The data protection Law will require the placement of different login data for the assessment of the different approaches for the Healthcare Institution, (Sergei, 2009). The managers will be required to retain the personal data of different patients unless required. The management is posted with the responsibility of the secure erasure mechanisms, (Wilkins and McGuire, 2009). The aspects of overwriting, demagnetization and destructions should be avoided in the assessment. The confidentiality clause poses the need to access the operation of the data. The obligations to the corporate organization will offer the facilitation of the subject’s rights to access and breaches.
Hypothesis testing
Hypothesis One: Healthcare managers require the implementation and adherence to computer applications ethical and legal responsibilities.
The assessment of the interview and the scholarly articles confirmed that hypothesis one is true. The ethical and legal responsibilities deal with access, property, accuracy and privacy. The management is charged with the responsibility of maintaining the privacy. The patients or financial records should not be available to the populace who are not endorsed to handle the information, (Caraway, 2009). The other responsibility is on accuracy. The management should maintain the assessment of the best approaches possible for the evaluation of patients and Healthcare Institutional activities, (Sergei, 2009). The accuracy is needed in the collection of information. The aspect increases the chances of fast recovery for the millions of patients, (Ronald and Jeannie, 2010). The data collectors will require the responsibility of accessing and determining the information posted by a person for the right of obtaining the different information that can be used. The computer ethics is involved in the assessment of the different aspects for our lives.
The ethical and legal responsibilities assist the management to overcome hard situations. The guidance of the ethical responsibility assures the assessment of the wrong and right behavior, (Porter, 2013). The management can portray a sense of personal integrity in the management of the ethical use of the computer applications, (Wilkins and McGuire, 2009). The portraying of integrity increases the trust of the employees to the participation and performance of activities. The computer ethics help in the management of cooperation and trust for the assessment of the relationship offered in the computer systems, (Meyer, 2011). The management that respects the ethical and legal responsibilities increases the social worth of the institution to the public, (Catherine, 2011). The supervisors are required to guarantee that the performance of the computer application will benefit the members of the society. The provision of equity in the performance of different assessment will help in the evaluation of the different activities happening within the Healthcare Institution, (Yang, 2009).
Hypothesis Two: Healthcare managers do not require the placement of the ethical and legal responsibilities for healthcare operations.
The second hypothesis was considered not to be true. The ethical and legal responsibilities for the healthcare institution are a vital issue for assessment. The computer security can help the management avoid the sabotage of the different operations occurring in the Healthcare Institution, (Huang, 2013). The unauthorized damage and use of the computer security affect the state of assessing the Healthcare Institutional effectiveness, (Meyer, 2011). The ethical and legal responsibilities can protect the management from viewing and manipulation of financial or healthcare records.
Research indicates that the spreading of the information without consent can be easily done without the sensitization of the ethical and legal responsibilities. The Healthcare Institution will be prone to computer crimes. The worms and viruses can damage the files, programs or computers of the Healthcare Institution, (Meyer, 2011). The placement of the large companies having large database can affect the state of having the approaches of controlling the personnel decisions. The theft of the computer time, data and hardware can be expected in the Healthcare Institution that does not sensitize the ethical and legal responsibilities, (Catherine, 2011). The placement of the harmless messaging and unauthorized entry can affect the state of the copyright identifications. The spreading of the inaccurate information is expected in the assessment of the mistakes expected in the assessment of the computer files that can easily migrate to the others.
The use of the internet in the computer applications exposes the institutions to vices. The ethical and legal responsibilities can help the management evade the placement of spyware. The spyware can track the online movement of the employees, extract crucial information and implement the tasks for people who know nothing about it, (Myers and Miller, 2009). The management should consider the sensitization of the employees of ethical and legal responsibilities due to unsolicited, bulk email, virus warning hoaxes, chain mail and inflammatory interchange of messages. The ethical and legal responsibilities will help the management respect the ethical responsibility that they have in the management of email netiquette, (Meyer, 2011). The management requires the ethical and legal responsibilities to eliminate compromising states of information ownership. The illegal software copying or pirating can pose the Healthcare Institution with an expensive lawsuit. The other issue is on the placement of the infringement of copyrights, (Yang, 2009). The employees can copy or post pictures affecting the integrity of the institutional operations. The placement of the intellectual property requirement can affect the state of managing the trade secrets, copyright and patent information.
Social Implications of ethical and legal computer usage
The different organizations should sensitize the employees and healthcare personnel on the need for ethical and legal responsibilities, in computer applications. The quality of life will assure the reduction of the response time for the completion, (Myers and Miller, 2009). The use of the computer systems will reduce the aspect of presenting harm to certain individuals in the organization, (Huang, 2013). The placement of the ethical and legal responsibilities will increase the state of offering honest and trustworthy documentation to the different individuals in the organization, (Meyer, 2011). The management will be able to offer fair and equitable actions for the assessment of the actions posted for the discrimination of activities. The honoring of the confidentiality and respecting of the individual’s right to privacy will be based on the assessment of activities.
In conclusion, the ethical and legal responsibilities for managers are a necessity. The placement of the responsibilities increases the state of avoidance of the harm to patients, increased trust and honesty of employees in recordkeeping, respecting of the privacy of individuals. The ethical and legal responsibilities will help in the ease of managing the organizational operations, improvement of management’s activities reassurance of assessments and quality services in treatment. The employees will be offered with the best strategies of controlling access to operations. The management of the rapid changes from competition, maintaining of boundaries for the leisure and work, dependence and vulnerability, and the offering of equity and access for the potential employees of the organization is maintained in the assessment of the ethical and legal responsibilities. The ethical consideration will focus on the issue of conserving the operations of the computers. The hand-held portable computer, confidentiality and contingency backup plan can be easily managed through the sensitization of the ethical and legal responsibilities.
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