Topic:Nervous System and Special Senses
Type: Essay
Volume: 3 pages
Format: APA
Answer the following questions using complete sentences: What does “Connectome” mean and how is related to the human “genome”? What is “entanglement”? Describe the anatomy and physiology of this characteristic of neurons. Summarize the Connection Theories of Memory and Intelligence, and “Connectopathies.” After reading this article, explore the rest of this website (The Dana Foundation) and select a behavioral condition or other CNS pathology to research for this Case assignment. In the book, Neurobehavioral Anatomy, from the Trident library, you will find chapters that investigate various behavioral pathologies. Filley, C. Neurobehavioral Anatomy. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA. 2011 eISBN: 9781607320999 Additional topics may include: Depression Post-traumatic stress disorder Multiple sclerosis Epilepsy After you have read the article on “Connectomics” by Sebastian Seung, PhD., and independently researched a topic, complete this Case assignment by addressing the following requirements in your paper: Describe the regions of the brain believed to be associated with this condition. Discuss the anatomy/physiology of the pathologic process you have selected. Specifically focus on the connections between the regions of the brain believed to be involved in this condition and how normal connectivity may be altered. Relate your findings to the theories of Connectomics introduced by Dr. Seung, and discuss how the techniques presented in this article might help clinicians treat the condition you researched.