Topic:Persuasive speaking


Volume: 2 pages

Style: MLA

Type: Questions and answers

Type your answers to the following questions in the space provided. Describe a recent event in which you knew you were being persuaded. Explain whether this was an attempt to change your beliefs, attitudes, values, or actions? Explain why the attempt was successful or unsuccessful, relating your explanation to your beliefs, attitudes, values, or actions. Using the handout provided in this learning unit as a guide, draft a proposition of fact, a proposition of value, and a proposition of policy for the topic “the Presidential election.” (Don’t write this one as an essay. Just use the headings Proposition of Fact, Proposition, of Value, and Proposition of Policy, each followed by your example. You have been asked to give a speech to your Speech Communication class colleagues with the purpose of convincing them to donate money or food to the College’s food bank. How will you develop your ethos for this audience? What logical appeals will you use? What emotional appeals will you use? Write in full sentences

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