Is OSHA Effective or Not?

Format Chicago/Turabian
Academic Level: Masters
Volume of 10 pages (2750 words)

Discipline Environmental Sciences
Assignment type : Research Paper


Throughout the course, you have been learned about OSHA policies, procedures and practices. You have had the time to review OSHA from numerous perspectives, an employer, employee and the Agency itself by reading various articles,assigned text readings and videos that explored various aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

While preparing for this assignment, I would like you to review the following article, Is OSHA a Failed Agency — Or an Unheralded Success? (Environmental Law Institute, 2016) as it offers a few different perspectives regarding OSHA. You can review the article using the embedded link that follows:

Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

After reviewing this document pick one of the essays and prepare a persuasive paper that responds to the question that follows:

What effect has OSHA had on making workplaces safe from health and safety hazards and has this improved workplace safety?

•A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the paper/persuasive (expository) essay.
•Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusions.
•Body paragraphs that include evidential support.
•Evidence that provides support to your position (whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal).
•A bit of originality.
•A conclusion that does a bit more than just restate the thesis statement.

Identify those program areas that you believe OSHA has been effective and use references or experiences to support the thesis.

Address those areas where you feel OSHA needs improvement and provide suggestions how this can be addressed.

NOTE: As part of this assignment, I am requiring the submission of an outline of your proposed paper due during at the end of Week #8. The Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab contains details on how to prepare an effective outline.

•Follow University College Format and Style Guidelines and use Turabian.
•Include a cover sheet that includes the Assignment number and title following the example provided in the University College Format and Style Guidelines.
•The paper should be between 10 – 12 pages, not including the title (cover) required and references pages, if needed.
•Support your response with research from at least 6 – 8 sources, as needed. You may use the course required reading materials.
•Consult with the grading rubric to understand how you will be graded on this assignment.
• Any questions please contact your instructor.


The Environmental Forum. September/October, 2016. The Debate: Is OSHA a Failed Agency — Or an Unheralded Success?Environmental Law Institute. Retrieved from


Written Paper – 200 MOD 2016

Written Paper – 200 MOD 2016




This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Purpose

20.0 pts
Exceeds – The writer’s central purpose or argument is readily apparent to the reader. -The paper contains a well-developed thesis statement that outlines the body of the essay

15.0 pts
Meets – The writing has a clear purpose or argument, but sometimes digresses. Contains a thesis statement, may lack a controlling idea or organizing pattern

8.0 pts
Needs Work – The central purpose or argument is not consistently clear throughout the paper. Thesis statement may be vague or missing

4.0 pts
Unsatisfactoy – The purpose or argument is generally unclear. Thesis statement is missing.

0.0 pts
No Marks

20.0 pts

Additional Comments

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content

60.0 pts
Exceeds – Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly supports a central purpose or argument and shows critical thought and in-depth analysis of a significant topic. Body paragraphs provide clear details that develop the thesis, transitions are used throughout. Results are based on findings. Conclusions reflect complete understanding of results. Reader gains important insights. Creativity is demonstrated where appropriate

52.0 pts
Superior – Provides above average and analysis of a significant topic. Body paragraphs provide clear details that develop the thesis, transitions are used throughout. Results are based on findings. Conclusions reflect understanding of results.

45.0 pts
Meets – Information provides reasonable support for a central purpose or argument and displays evidence of a basic critical thinking and analysis of a significant topic. Results are not completely based on evidence. Conclusions are not completely related to results. Reader gains some insights. Creativity is minimally demonstrated.

36.0 pts
Needs Work Information supports a central purpose or argument at times. Findings are basic or general. Reader gains few insights and results appear muddled. Results and conclusions do not relate to evidence. Little creativity is present.

12.0 pts
Unsatisfactory – Central purpose or argument is not clearly identified. Analysis is vague, not evident or biased. Reader is confused or may be misinformed due to poor results from findings. Inaccurate or incomplete conclusions. Does not demonstrate creative thought.

0.0 pts
No Marks

60.0 pts

Additional Comments

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization

35.0 pts
Exceeds – The ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. They flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of reasoning. Every section, paragraph, sentence, and word of the paper supports the thesis of the project. Contains a well-developed thesis statement that outlines the body of the essay.

30.0 pts
Superior – Meets – The ideas are arranged logically to support the central purpose or argument. They are usually clearly linked to each other. For the most part, the reader can follow the line of reasoning. Every section and the majority of paragraphs, sentences, and words support the thesis of the paper. Restates the thesis for the most part throughout the paper.

26.0 pts
Meets – The ideas are arranged logically to support the central purpose or argument. They are usually clearly linked to each other. For the most part, the reader can follow the line of reasoning. Every section and the majority of paragraphs, sentences, and words support the thesis of the paper. Restates the thesis but does not offer concluding question or extension

14.0 pts
Needs Work – In general, the writing is arranged logically, although occasionally ideas fail to make sense together. The reader is fairly clear about what writer intends. Every section, majority of paragraphs, sentences, and words support the thesis. No conclusion evident, student stops writing without coming to a conclusion.

7.0 pts
Unsatisfactory – The writing is not logically organized. Frequently, ideas fail to make sense together. The reader cannot identify a clear line of reasoning and loses interest.

0.0 pts
No Marks

35.0 pts

Additional Comments

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Tone

10.0 pts
Exceeds – The tone is consistently professional and appropriate for an academic research paper. The writing is compelling. It hooks the reader and sustains interest throughout. Demonstration of fully empowered thinking about project and confidence in the presented ideas.

8.0 pts
Meets – The writing is generally engaging, but has some redundancy or lacks clarity in a few sentences or paragraphs. In general, it is focused and keeps the reader’s attention. The tone is generally professional. Largely, it is appropriate for an academic research paper. Tone uses active voice when appropriate.

7.0 pts
Needs Work – The writing is somewhat dull and unengaging. Though the paper has some interesting parts, the reader finds it difficult to maintain interest. The tone is not consistently professional nor appropriate for an academic research paper. Little confidence in the presented ideas.

6.0 pts
Unsatisfactory – The writing has little personality. The reader quickly distracted. The tone is unprofessional or overly casual. It is not appropriate for an academic research paper.

0.0 pts
No Marks

10.0 pts

Additional Comments

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing

25.0 pts
Exceeds – Language is consistently clear with few if any errors, contains variety in sentence patterns and control of the verb tenses. Sentences are clear, well-phrased and varied in length and structure. They flow smoothly from one to another. Flow continues from one paragraph to the next and from section to section. Demonstrates effective communication.

19.0 pts
Meets – Sentences are well-phrased and there is some variety in length and structure. The flow from sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph and section to section is generally smooth. Effective communication is generally demonstrated. Language is comprehensible, errors do not distract the reader, may lack sentence variety, control of verb tenses may be inconsistent.

16.0 pts
Needs Work – Some sentences are awkwardly constructed so that the reader is occasionally distracted. The fluency of sentences, paragraphs and sections is disruptive. Effective communication skills are not readily apparent.

8.0 pts
Unsatisfactory – May contain frequent and serious errors that distract the reader, sentence patterns will not vary; control of tenses may be weak. Errors in sentence structure are frequent enough to be a major distraction to the reader. Communication is not effective.

0.0 pts
No Marks

25.0 pts

Additional Comments

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics

10.0 pts
The writing is free or almost free of errors. Shows evidence of proofreading.

7.0 pts
Meets – There are occasional errors, but they don’t represent a major distraction or obscure meaning. Not thoroughly proofread.

6.0 pts
Needs Improvement -The writing has many errors, and the reader is distracted by them. Minimal proofreading is evident.

4.0 pts
Unsatisfactory -There are so many errors that meaning is obscured. The reader is confused and stops reading. Lack of evidence of proofreading.

0.0 pts
No Marks

10.0 p

Additional Comments

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Word Choice

10.0 pts
Exceeds – Word choice is consistently precise and accurate.

9.0 pts
Superior – Word choice is above average, precise and accurate.

7.0 pts
Meets – Word choice is generally good. The writer often goes beyond the generic word to find one more precise and effective.

6.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Word choice is merely adequate, and the range of words is limited. Some words are used inappropriately or repetitively.

4.0 pts
Unsatisfactory- Many words are used inappropriately, confusing the reader. There may be extensive and unwarranted repetition.

0.0 pts
No Marks

10.0 pts

Additional Comments

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Use of References and Sources

15.0 pts
Exceeds – Uses evidence from outside sources or other life experiences to support position presented. Uses compelling evidence from professionally legitimate sources support claims. Attribution is clear and fairly represented. No plagiarism is evident. Documentation style is followed for every level of rubric.

12.0 pts
Meets – Uses some evidence to support position presented. Use professionally legitimate sources that support claims that are generally present and attribution is, for the most part, clear and fairly represented.

8.0 pts
Needs Improvement – Although attributions are occasionally given, many statements seem unsubstantiated. The reader is confused about the source of information and ideas.

4.0 pts
Unsatisfactory -Details provided may be irrelevant, missing or vague. References are seldom cited to support statements or consistently cited incorrectly. Plagiarism may be a concern. Knowledge utilization and decision making skills are not apparent.

15.0 pts

Additional Comments

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Quality of References and Sources

15.0 pts
Exceeds – References are primarily peer-reviewed professional journals or other scholarly sources (e.g., government documents, white papers, respected industry sources, etc.). The reader is confident that the information and ideas are based on sound decision making and knowledge utilization. Reference bias is mitigated.

12.0 pts
Meets – Although most of the references are professionally legitimate, a few are questionable (e.g., trade books, internet sources, popular magazines, …). The reader is uncertain of the reliability of some sources, use of knowledge is slightly confusing. Decision making skills could be questioned. Bias of reference is recognized.

8.0 pts
Needs Improvement -Most of the references are from sources that are not peer-reviewed or industry vetted and have uncertain reliability, demonstrates little understanding of knowledge utilization. The reader doubts the accuracy of much of the material presented or reference material is quite biased. Decision making skills are not demonstrated effectively.

4.0 pts
Unsatisfactory – There are virtually no sources that are professionally reliable. The reader seriously doubts the value of the material and stops reading. Personal and reference bias is obvious.

0.0 pts
No Marks

15.0 pts

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