Hope Rescue Mission
Format APA
Volume of 4 pages (1100 words)
Type of service: Custom writing
Assignment type : Creative Writing
Community Agency Report -Hope Rescue Mission Located in Reading Pennsylvania 19601
The purpose of this paper and recorded presentation is to learn and evaluate resources available to people in crisis in your community. Sign up on Blackboard for one community agency from the list provided by the instructor. Only one student may present a particular agency. Phone numbers and websites are listed. You may submit a request to present an agency not on the list by emailing the instructor.
Choose an agency with which you are NOT already familiar. If you have been a volunteer or a recipient of services or already know about the agency, DO NOT select it.
STEP ONE: Research.
Visit or research a social service agency in your community. Use the following as guidelines for learning more about the agency, and evaluating its usefulness to your potential clients who are experiencing crises. Try to visit the agency in person, and use the website for further resource. If it is not possible to visit, make a phone call to the agency to learn more. The questions below should guide your research and evaluation of whether and how this agency might be a resource for your clients.
Please DO NOT “grill” an agency worker with these questions; many are things you can observe or read about in their brochures or website. Do your research first, then make a visit or phone contact. Some agencies will allow you to make an appointment to visit and speak with someone, others are too busy to do so. Please respect their time.
(1) Observe the physical location: is it inviting to clients? Handicapped accessible, including parking and bathroom? clean? sufficient seating in the waiting room? things to do while waiting? activities or areas for children to play? rest rooms?
(2) Observe the attitudes of the personnel toward their clients: cold or caring? rude or courteous? demeaning or empowering? how long must a client wait in the waiting room before being served?
(3) What services are offered by this agency? Are there any qualifications the client must meet before being eligible (i.e. income level)? Is there anyone who would not be eligible? Are there any costs involved? How hard/easy is it for the client to meet the requirements? How long does it take before they receive services?
(4) Can clients access the services through the website? Is it clear and easily used? Is it available in other languages?
(5) What do the printed materials offered by this agency look like? Are they clear and understandable from the client’s viewpoint? Are they available in more than one language? Are they clean, well-produced pieces or fuzzy photocopies?
(6) What is the typical client like: education, race, gender, family, economics, etc? What are their needs? What are their limitations?
(7) What is the typical employee/service provider like? Are they paid or volunteer? Level of education needed? Bilingual? Gender? etc.
(8) What is the history of this agency? How did it come to exist? How is this agency funded? Government? Grants? Donations? Fees?
(9) Where is the agency located? Does it have multiple locations? Is it accessible to clients who might not have transportation (i.e. on a bus route)? What are its hours of operation? Would it be available for someone who works during the day?
(10) Learn whatever else you can about the agency, collect brochures, etc.
STEP TWO: Writing it up. 8% of grade.
You may simply summarize what you discovered about each agency (structured by the questions above), OR feel free to be creative. Write it as a newspaper feature article informing the public about this agency (Headline: Battered Women’s Shelter best kept secret in town). Or write it up as a piece designed for fundraising. Or be an alien investigating Earth, and report to your superior. Use your imagination!