Consider the Lobster
Format MLA
Volume of 7 pages (1925 words)
Assignment type : Essay
Using David Foster Wallace’s article “Consider the Lobster”. And ( Everyone should be a vegetarian). Focus on this. What considerations does the article use to back up your point and what outside sources agree with you?
Essay #3 (key assignment essay)
This assignment will be used to assess your progress towards mastering the Core Curriculum goals for ENG 201. This means that whichever of the two argument prompts you choose (see below), your work will be assessed for the degree to which you do the following:
• Create a relevant and focused critical question or statement of purpose
• Examine specific and appropriate evidence in light of the critical question or statement of purpose
• Organize and synthesize evidence to create an argument that supports the critical question or statement of purpose
• Apply cultural understanding to the critical question or statement of purpose. “Cultural understanding” means that you recognize that beliefs and perspectives are shaped by cultural experience and that individuals or groups who have different experiences may view an issue differently.
• Use appropriate language for the audience and rhetorical context.
• Use appropriate mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation, appropriate documentation)
Pick ONE of the following argument prompts:
#1) Rogerian Argument
You are going to construct a Rogerian argument.
The topic of this essay will be an area of debate within the (just concluded) presidential election. Your essay might consider a topic such as immigration, terrorism, environmental protection, gun control, college tuition, etc. (You may also consider an issue we have done together in class). Please select one topic on which to focus your essay.
It is important to note that a Rogerian argument focuses on a problem that you hope to resolve. Additionally, in a Rogerian argument your goal is not to prove the opposition wrong; rather, you must come up with a solution that will adequately address the opposition’s concerns. Please keep in mind, then, that while you will not agree with your opposition, you should at least understand and see some merit in their position.
A Rogerian argument contains the following elements:
An Introduction which explores the problem, how it came to exist, and its consequences
A Summary of Opposing Views which states the position of the people with whom you disagree using neutral language, logos, and ethos
A Statement of Understanding which presents one or two points held by the opposing viewpoint which you consider valid
A Statement of Your Own Position which maintains neutral language
A Statement of Understanding which offers one or two points you believe the opposition would consider valid
A Statement of Mutual Benefit which uses the statements of understanding to find common ground and offer a mutually-beneficial solution
Your Rogerian argument will be six to eight pages long, typed, double-spaced, and follow MLA format.
You will need to incorporate three to five outside sources. These sources must be from books, newspapers, magazines, or scholarly journals (online or print). You may not use websites unaffiliated with a scholarly or credible publication. Please pay close attention to the quality and relevance of these sources.
Your draft (worth 20 points) will be due April 10th
Your final draft worth 200 points will be due in class and online April 12th.
#2) Classical Argument
Using David Foster Wallace’s article “Consider the Lobster” as both an example and a source, consider whether, for ethical reasons alone, everyone should be a vegetarian. What considerations does the article use to back up your point and what outside sources agree with you?
You must incorporate at least three to five sources (not including your primary source which is the DFW article). These sources must be from edited publications such as newspapers, journals, or books. You may use online versions of these edited publications, but you may not use general websites. Your essay must include both paraphrases and direct quotes from these sources, and these sources must be correctly cited both in the paper and in a Works Cited at the end of the paper.
Your classical argument essay should include this structure:
• An introduction that provides a brief summary of the argument you are responding to and presents your thesis.
• Supporting paragraphs that back up your thesis and that are developed with evidence. Typically, in this type of essay each supporting point might be one of the reasons you offer supporting your thesis.
• At least one paragraph in which you acknowledge (and argue or allow) the counterargument.
• A conclusion that wraps your argument up and, ideally, leaves your readers with something to think about.