Topic:Queer criticism questions
Volume: 1 page
Type: Essay
Format: MLA
Textbook “Critical Theory Today A User-Friendly Guide” (3rd edition) Write a 2-3 sentences per response 1. What are the politics (ideological agendas) of gay, lesbian, or queer works, and how are those politics revealed in, for example, the work’s thematic content and portrayals of its characters? 2. What is a homophobic reading? 3. What is heterocentrism? 4. Tyson asks, “What is a lesbian?” How does she answer this question? 5. What is a lesbian continuum? 6. Who are the separatists? 7. What is “drag”? 8. What is “camp”? 9. What does the word “queer” mean? 10. What are gay or lesbian signs?