Culture and Strategy

 The corporate culture has been seen to be an incredible issue that forces the companies to have long-term success in the different issues that they perform.  The strategy that is at a disparity with the organization’s culture makes the organization to be unsuccessful.  The organization’s culture is considered complex and ever changing, (Alice, 2011). The management uses strategy to enable the correction of the corporate governance. This analysis will assess the different relationships between strategy and culture.  The study will assess the different models that allow the formation of the recommendation.

 The first relationship for the culture and strategy is as followed. The strategy offers the direction and focus for the culture, (Meier, 2011). The culture, on the other hand, offers the emotions or organic habitat that allows the company to die or live, (Arnold, 2011).  The management of different organizations is required to offer the direction and vision of the organization with respect to the reception of the strategy and culture, (Becker, 2011).  The second relationship is that the strategy and culture help’s in defining the company’s story, (Beck, 2011).  The cultural needs are clearly understood by the common language that embraces and tells the story on values, vision, mission and clear expectations, (Alice, 2011).   The provision of the clear expectations reduces frustrations and promotes good relations for the management, (Torres, 2011).

The third relationship is on strategic advantage. The strategy differentiation is imperative and offers a vibrant cultural delivery for the different individuals, (Jones, 2011).  The organization’s culture is eroded by the different changes in the market or in the mood of the employees, (Heisman, 2011). The strategy helps to return the employees to the desired direction, (Arndt, 2011).  The culture allows the embracing of the strategy that to foster the execution that is scalable, sustainable and repeatable, (Alice, 2011).  The strategy and organizational culture relationships require the implementation of different models for fostering the behavioral requirements for the different requirements.

 The first model is the Project Based model. These models assess the company’s and people. The focus is on an aspect of reality and possibilities. The model requires the fostering of control cultivation, collaboration and competence, (Travis, 2011).  The control focuses provision of the organization strategy and culture that is stable and supported with a process, (Arnold, 2011). The control requires the option of predictability and actuality of the organization’s strategy. The management supports competence through the expertise, creativity, efficiency and professionalism, (Beck, 2011).  The model requires the cultivation of the organization’s culture through the regard of purpose, faith and dedication, (Arndt, 2011). The strategic directions assure the channeling of the human capital through the organization’s culture, (Jansen, 2011).  The last part of the model is fostering collaboration, (Becker, 2011). The organization’s culture should be tailored by the strategy to offer interactions, partnership, diversity and trust.

The second model is the organization’s model for the organization.  The model was started By Schein and Hatch, in 1985, (Allan, 2011), (Segar, 2011). The models propose that the management should start fostering the strategic management by assessing the basic underlying assumptions for the management and the espoused values, (Meier, 2011). The artifacts are considered the visible behavior of the management.  The strategic management can start through the realization of the artifacts with the different values, (Rowley, 2011). This assures fast decision making, (Greenwood, 2011). The values are able to allow the basing of assumptions for the management in dealing with the relevant occurrences in the organization, (Allan, 2011), (Ying, 2011).  The assumptions are provided different restrictions through the strategic vision or mission for the management, (Heisman, 2011).  The assumptions are later assigned with symbols and classifications.

The third model is the Value Chain Model.  The model deals with the analysis of the primary and support activities for the organization, (Brown, 2011).  The management is required to offer administrative finance infrastructure with the financial management, accounting and the legal requirements, (Christopher, 2011). The Human resource management will use the strategy and culture to assess the staff planning, training and recruitments, (Brown, 2011).  The technology and product development assures that the process and product design allows market testing and research or design, (Herbert, 2011).  The products and the technological developments assure the product engineering and process design for the organization, (Perrot, 2011).  The procurement allows specifications, funding and supplier’s management, (Allan, 2011). These activities support the management’s primary services. The primary services include the inbound logistics, operation, outbound logistics, sales and marketing or servicing activities.

In conclusion, the business strategy and organizational culture are the ingredients for superior long-run performance. The realization of the relationships between the organizational strategy and organizational culture allows the managements maximization of resources.  The strategy offers the management and employees insights on operating in the market. The management is able to attract high returns for the average participation that outperforms the average industry or participants. The competitive growth allows the management to overcome the different rivals through strategic positioning. The operational effectiveness is supplied through the linkage of the rivals.


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