Topic:Health disparity and structural violence


Volume: 1 page

Type: Essay

Format: APA


Health disparity and structural violence Please provide comment to each discussion. Not more than one paragraph on each comment attached in this order. Thanks!

Discussion 1

In this article, fear is the dominant reason why immigrants may not seek medical care. Many immigrants are scared reaching out the health care professional because of financial problem, such as not being able to pay for their medical expenses, affording rent and food and the possibility of deportation back to their country. However, what most these individual doesn’t know is that delaying care will potentially lead to chronic illness, complications, longer hospital stay and increased medical expenses in the long run. I believe that health care providers should never question anyone’s immigration status. Our job is to provide care for the patient, tend to their needs and help our patient get back to their pre-hospital health. Health care providers should treat everyone the same regardless of their gender, race, belief, financial status and etc. Health care providers should also stress the important of educating about health maintenance and illness prevention to these individuals. In addition, information about resources and free health screening available that can be beneficial to them.
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Discussion 2
In the Article “Health Disparity and Structural Violence” (Page-Reeves 2013), the correlation between health and socioeconomic status revealed how participants in this study are being failed by the health care system. Barriers to care included financial hardships, language barriers, lack of cultural competency, and access to care as some of the most prevalant issues facing this community. Some of the participants discussed how they would hesitate seeking medical care until the last minute due to several fears. For example, the fear of not being able to pay for the services, the fear of not being able to communicate effectively their symptoms or ailments, in addition to a large fear of their immigration status. The disparities of this community places its residence in a situation, where due to racial discrimination, poverty, environment, and limited access to proper health care, leads to higher diabetes related mortalities. The article states, “Although disparity can take many forms, health disparities can be understood as one of the most concrete manifestations of inequity, often determining who will live and who will die, with the poor and immigrants suffering disproportionately.” (page-Reeves 2013). It is good to know that attention is being made to these issues by public health researchers who are attempting to promote change and awareness to these issues. Because if not, the increase of diabetics will increase. The article notes “trends suggest that diabetes prevalence may increase to as many as 1-in-3 adults by 2050” (Page-Reeves 2013). The relationship between fear and health is evident in this community as with many others. People, no matter where you are from or what your socioeconomic status, should be able to seek medical attention without fear for financial burden, deportation, or even racism. But unfortunately that is not the case for many, who are suffering in silence and fear. So, I do believe that fear perpetuates health disparities in low income and minority communities. Because lack of proper nutrition, access to health promotion education and exercise, and the feeling of being looked down upon for not having access or knowledge of certain things will prevent anyone from obtaining the quality care need to reduce the occurrences of these health issues.
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Discussion 3
I do agree that structural violence perpetuates health disparity, but I believe it is among more than just immigrants, it is among anyone that can’t afford healthcare. The article clearly identified “three dimensions of fear including (a) Cost; (b) Language, Discrimination and Immigration Status; and (c) Cultural Disconnect” (Page-Reeves, Niforatos, Mishra, Regino, Gingrich & Bultren, 2013, p.36). There was a prominent theory regarding fear and the financial burdens of illness. Currently with the healthcare situation as it is and all the politics surrounding it, healthcare is a hot topic and not being able to afford it for yourself or your family is a real fear many are experiencing in our society. I believe that the problem will continue to increase. In the sample population it was clear that they felt judged based on their socioeconomic status and inability to communicate in English. Health care is costly for everyone even those with financial stability however, the difference is they can afford it regardless of the cost. It was quite apparent that this sample population was not seeking preventative health care due to competing more important family needs such as housing and food. When they must choose between the necessities of their families’ vs preventative care, if they are not currently “sick”, health care is the least of their concerns. There was also the mistrust of the medical professionals. The interpreters weren’t interpreting correctly, doctors were prying about their immigration status, the stigma of being a social burden, all of this added to the mistrust (Page-Reeves et al., 2013). I do agree with the finding that the dynamics of social practices as they relate to structural violence extend across the many dimensions of people’s lives creating disparity and are not solely related to health (Page-Reeves et al., 2013).
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Discussion 4.
In the article about health disparity and structural violence, the authors recognized the fear as a limitation to receiving proper health education and care services for diabetes in a tight Hispanic community. Due to the high poverty rate within it, a common fear was the cost of healthcare. According to Page-Reeves, Niforatos, Regino, & Bulten.(2013) people do not go to the doctor because given their limited income, individuals are forced to choose between paying the doctor (whether through copay, if they have insurance, or more likely, by paying out-of-pocket for services if they do not) or paying essential bills for food, electricity, water, gas and rent.(p.36) Choosing between basic survival and preventing potential diseases led to the former being prioritized, since no imminent danger was seen. Inability to pay also brought the feeling being burden to society which prevented community members to seek preventive care.
Another aspect of fear was the language barrier, discrimination, and fear of deportation (Page-Reeves at al., 2013). Some of the participants had an unclear immigration status, therefore they were afraid that by providing personal information and responding to questions about their status would lead to their deportation. All aspects previously mentioned, labeled as structural violence, have produced the fear of seeking care in health clinics and added to the stress of everyday life inhibiting the willingness of community members to use available resources in improving their health status.
The lack of cultural sensitivity in healthcare centers brought the feeling of disapproval toward the potential patient, and fear of being embarrassed was perceived as ignorance. Those who didn’t speak English had difficulty to explain their symptoms due to poor preparation of translators offered on the site. They also did not benefit from health education since follow up instructions were given only in English.
The third aspect of fear was a cultural disconnect. (Page-Reeves at al., 2013) In the researched community, many people used home remedies to treat the problem but they were afraid to disclose this information out of fear of a dismissive reaction of the doctors.
All aspects previously mentioned, labeled as structural violence, have produced the fear of seeking care in health clinics and added to the stress of everyday life inhibiting the willingness of community members to use available resources in improving their health status.
In this context the disadvantage of the community is continued, owed to the fact that “Political, economic, and social inequalities limit the personal agency of an individual to live a healthy life.” (Page-Reeves at al., 2013, p. 41)
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