
Online dating offers numerous dating benefits. This research answers the following question. Will the behavior in online dating sites alter the process of romantic acquaintance?   The literature review section identified the different benefits for online dating. The methodology assesses the systematic review. Scholarly literature on personal relationships is still young, but it already covers a range of disciplines such as developmental, clinical and social-personality psychology, communication. Family studies sociology among many other disciplines. The discussion and analysis critically assess the participation of individuals in the organization.  The research concluded that, Online dating is better than the conventional traditional dating because of convenience, safe environment to open up to one another, knowing each other first before planning for face to face communication among other aspects.

Literature review

 The online dating sites are geared to providing access, communication and matching. The online dating services have offered the access of the potential romantic nature for partners. The communication of the potential romantic partners and matching with the compatible partners are the main benefits that the dating services have offered to the millions of users.  The online services offer the different types of online services, (Harrison, 2012). The first site is the general self selection sites. The users tend to browse the profiles from the wide range of partners. This offering the ability to access the different people that one can date.  The other websites are the niche selection sites.  The users are offered the choice to browse through the particular population, (Kim, 2008).  The other sites are the family or friend participation websites. These sites allow the analysis of matchmaking for the different family members. The video dating sites allow the users to interact with the partners through the web camera. This allows the ease of communication for the different information users, (Douglas and Craig, 2009).  The advent of the Smartphone application has increased the state of communication between the different social divisions.  The other types of sites are the hookup sites, infidelity sites, site’s arrangement for group dates and the social networking sites.

Benefits of online dating

 The millions of online dating users tend to identify the matching, communication and access benefits that the online dating offers. These benefits are divided into the following.

Reality of a person

 The online dating offer to the platform for the individuals to air their overall desires.  The identification of the divergent issues that affect the way that people think and feel affects how people become happy or are made sad, (Kim, 2008).  The person often tends to write out the feelings. The indication of the feelings allows the realization of the judgment and outlook of other people. The different users are able to state their desires and specific interests to the society. The offering of the self-expressive state increases their confidence to realize their full potential for information analysis.


 The aspect of love through the online dating is based on the attraction that one receives from the observation of other users.  The different uses of online dating are provided a chance to assess people from dating a pool. The identification of their interests and desires allows the achievement of the overall state of romance, (Kim, 2008).  The users can assess hobbies, weights and height for individuals. The realization of the aspect of love comes from the open communication and desire to talk, (Douglas and Craig, 2009).  The communication allows the realization of the real person through allowing the nature of the individual. The state of the person assures the identification of how people reality with each other under the nature. The online dating assures the identification of who the real person is inside, (Diana, 2012).

Saves effort

 The online dating assures the saving of money and time in the search for partners. The real life dating offers several possibilities in cost involvement. The online dating users are able to choose the individuals that can offer to them a conversation, (Diana, 2012).  The effort of buying meals and expensive state for watching of movies and identifying the possible partners is eliminated with the use of the several possible costs that are involved for the gas. The meal for the two movie or tickets payment are eliminated with the help of the online dating sites, (Kim, 2008). This reduces the increased effort that is required for the identification of the state of online dating.  The dating services assure the provision of cheap approaches to be able to know millions of people in the social scene.  The people that have a hard time to approach other individuals are able to save the effort. The online dating allows the individual a chance to assess the state of activities that are being performed in the management of tasks.


 The online websites allow the achievement of the different state of activities that assure the success rate for attraction. The online users are able to communicate with other people through the secure lines. The users are able to talk to people without providing to them the secure lines for people through the real names of where the people live, (Kim, 2008).  The relaxation offers the achievement of relaxation offers the achievement of the different states for the management, (Diana, 2012). The management will tend to be pressured for the impressing of the nature for the other person.  The users are able to overcome the requirement of being required to sit and endure the awkward state of fighting someone else to love them.

In brief, Online dating has offered access, matching and communication benefits for the millions of online dating users. The online profiles offer the ability of the users to post the different reality beliefs or customs that they have not shared with other people.  The online users are able to be secure in communicating with the million users that they see in the club or the bar.


Diana, C. (2012).  Is globalization a necessary evil? Side effects of the globalization. Journal on Academic study in Accounting, economics and Management Sciences, 2, 243-250. Retrieved from http://www.hrmars.com/admin/pics/1035.pdf

Douglas C., Craig, P. D. (2009). “Contextual and norm factors underlying American culture,” Journal on Marketing Review, 26, .90 – 109. DOI: 10.1108/02651330910933212 http://www.pewglobal.org/files/2012/06/Pew-Global-Attitudes-U.S.-Image-Report-FINAL-June-13-2012.pdf

Harrison, Paul. (2012). “The westernization of the world.” Focused Inquiry: Evolving Ideas. 180-83. Print.

Kim, Y. Y. (2008). Intercultural personality: globalization and a technique of mortal. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32, 359-368


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