Analysis and Design Challenges
Format APA
Academic Level: Masters
Volume of 3 pages (825 words)
Discipline Health
Assignment type : Term paper
Analysis and Design Challenges
The final assignment for this course is to select an analysis and design challenge that information
systems’ professionals must overcome.
The final is broken into two parts: research paper and diagram.
Part 1: Research and write a 3 page report on the unique analysis and design challenges that information
systems’ professionals must overcome given the environment that the modern healthcare setting
presents. Examples of challenges include, but are not limited to:
Requirements gathering
Vendor management
Part 2:
Using Microsoft PowerPoint or Visio, create a dataflow diagram depicting a single patient’s visit to an
emergency room and subsequently being admitted to the hospital.
The diagram should present patient’s data entered into an electronic healthcare system and the output
from that system.
Input examples include:
Medical staff
Insurance companies
Output examples include:
Writing assignments are meant to encourage you to reflect on the materials covered in the lessons. You
will be asked to internalize the materials discussed in the course.
Written assignments are expected to contain factually correct information, are properly written in English,
and must be visually attractive.
Each written assignment must be able to be read as a self-contained article. In other words, the
assignment should briefly summarize the objective of the paper. Papers must have a clear preamble that
identifies author, assignment, course, and completion date.
Citations must be included when appropriate and are expected to follow APA standards