Bill Instructions

Foods that Bill eats that contain sodium are the following.  The jelly doughnuts in the morning breakfast contained sodium. Cookies in the snack contained sodium. The Taco’s in the fast-food provided sodium to Bills body. The cold cut submarine, tortilla and potato chips contained levels of sodium. The candy presents the lowest content of sodium. Pizza, Macaroni, cheese, frozen TV dinners and cold cut sandwich contains sodium.

The foodstuff that contained relatively low levels of sodium was the following. The butter cookie, coffee, and candy contained the lowest level of the sodium. The choices for eating should be the overall search for foodstuffs that contain low levels of salt or sodium. The best choices for eating for Bill will be the increased intake of complete diet foodstuff. The reduced intake of the sodium level is use the fresh poultry, lean meat, fish and reduced use of the salty foods or salts.

The foods that could be suggested to be added to Bill’s intake could be the following. White beans, Spinach, dried Apricots and Baked Acorn Squash are the food stuffs that contain potassium. This will help in the management of the sodium intake. The intake of coffee can be used due to the diuretic properties that the properties will contain.

The instructions that Bill could use in order to reduce overweight will be the following. Bill could use increased exercise in order to lose weight. The change of the diet could be a tip for the getting rid of the weight. Bill should control eating habits, avoid the weight gain causes, increase vegetables, quantity of fruits and avoiding intake of butter, cheese or non-vegetable foods.


Anonymous 2013: Article of India Broadband Forum: Health Fitness: Retrieved from

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