Current Event Essay
Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Assignment type : Essay
Minimum Word Length for Final Draft of Essay: 1000 words
Directions: Read through several recent scientific magazines (suggested publications: Science, National Geographic, Discover, New Scientist, Scientific American, or Nature). Pick out one article which relates directly to a topic covered within this Earth Science class (published within the last three years).
Each essay must include:
Essays must be typed
Reference Page (APA format preferred)
Author’s name and discussion of author qualifications
Summary of the article – IN YOUR OWN WORDS
A CRITIQUE of the data, results, and conclusions of the article – IN YOUR OWN WORDS
NOTE: to critique is to analyze the pros and cons of the article – is the author presenting good science or just opinion? – is the author a recognized expert? – how could the article be improved?
Answer the following questions:
How does the topic of the article affect the Earth as a whole?
How does this article relate to my life?
Essays will be submitted online and checked for plagiarism.