Ethics And Professional Practice Assignment

The dynamics of the business and the environment has changed in last decade. There have been cases where the attention has been drawn on the scandals, and issues in the governance due to unethical behaviour of the employees. The idea behind this research paper is to draw the attention on the modes in which the ethics of the employees can be measured and governed. The research takes into consideration the myths associated with the ethics and the management and leadership to govern the culture. The research recommends proactive approach by the leaders for the issues.

There have been numerous instances in the twenty first century that has resulted in the losses expanding to millions due to the unethical behaviour of the employees. These problems have again made the researchers think about the issues related to ethics and the behaviour of the employees coupled with the responses of managers to deal with these problems (Robinson & Bennett, 2000 pg 351). The research paper discusses about the research paper of Trevino and Nelson (2014 pg 14) about bad apples, and the identification of these bad apples for the betterment of the organization. However the study will also take into account the fact whether the removal of the employee is the right approach or some more can be done to eradicate this problem (Robinson & Bennett, 2000 pg 353). There have been some elements and the factors that are associated from being ethical and that will be discussed in the course of this essay.

Organizational Culture Creating Pressure
One of the most critical elements of the ethical or non ethical behaviour is the pressure that is built by the organizations and its culture at large. There are pressures on the work environment that results in the decisions to be taken for the benefit of the organization and increasing its profitability. However ignoring the organizational context in being ethical is not right. There will always be pressures from the organization that will force a person to behave in a unethical manner (Jones, 2009 pg 533). Though identification of these improper behaviours is a must, it is not wise to say that the only problem that is created in the organization is by the employees. It has been noted in various researches that sometimes doing the right thing as per the leaders and bosses perceptions may result in the unethical behaviour from individuals end (Acquino, et al. 1999 pg 1088). In some cases the pressure to perform is to much a lure for the people to behave unethically.

Unethical Behaviour and Bad Apples
The theory of bad apples suggests that the unethical behaviour is the factor that is due to the bad apples. Removal of these bad apples causes the removal of the problems of the organization. The idea behind this theory was that the removal of bad apples causes the removal of the organizational problems and the leader will be able to clean it (Trevino et al.2003, p. 35). The debate has been whether the removal of the bad apples results in the ending of the problems and the issues of the ethics that are there in the organization. However, it has been noted that this is not the case, as there are always external environment that act as the barrier for the ethical behaviour. Therefore to blame the employees for the problems is not the right way to looking at things (Trevino et al. 1999 p. 150).

Ethical Leadership Components
An appropriate conduct for inducing ethical behaviour is required in the case of the organization. The role of the ethical leader is to create the code of conduct for the employees and creating effective communication. The reinforcement of the codes and conducts is also required so that the two way decision making is done (Brown et al. 2000 p.120). It is important for the leader to be ethical himself and the people should view the leader as being honest, and a person who can be trusted. Van den Akker et al. (2009) mentioned that the ethical leader is one who is able to lead by example and set the bars of ethics higher. He should make the employees follow. The people should be able to change there working and ethics so that the bad apples are turned good (Dalal, 2005 pg 1252). It is important that the leader is able to judge the misbehaviour that can hurt the organizational objectives (Vardi & Wiener, 1996 pg 155). The basic factor in the organizational judgement that included the finding of the bad apples that are responsible for the dent in the ethics, is also to find the route cause for the issues. Kalshoven et al. (2011) that the leader should be ethical in finding these causes that is helpful for the change in work behaviour in the positive manner. The stimulation for the unethical work is reduced if the leader is ethical and tries and tries and create effective communication to reduce the problems.

(Mayer et al. 2009, pg 12). There have been experiments that have found that the problem with the ethical standards and meeting is sometimes created by the leader himself (Lasthuizen, 2008). In some cases the people do not know that the work they are doing is unethical in nature and therefore causes the organization to suffer (Milgram 1974). The experiments by Milgram (1974) showed that the in case of some authoritative figure giving instruction to the employees to act in a unethical manner, chances were that the instruction was followed by the individual. The researches have shown that there is a definite level of discomfort in some cases that was caused of wrong doings in a pressure (Hogg et al. 2004 p.251).

The study clearly indicates that several factors are included in the person to behave unethically in the organization. The discussion of the employees and their behaviour to cheat or act in a unethical manner is sometimes governed by the culture of that organization. The employee acts and works in a manner in which its environment asks for. Therefore the onus is on various factors rather than only on the problems related to the employees being unethical. In order to curb the situations and causes of the unethical behaviour, it is important that the leader is ethical himself and trustworthy. He should be able to communicate with the employees and set the code of conduct for them, which should also be implemented in a time based manner.

The role of the leader is therefore critical and he should be able to judge and correct the behaviours of the employees. The study also highlighted that the pressure on the employees the leader should be ethical in finding these causes that is helpful for the change in work behaviour in the positive manner. The stimulation for the unethical work is reduced if the leader is ethical and tries and tries and create effective communication to reduce the problems (Mayer et al. 2009, pg 12). There have been experiments that have found that the problem with the ethical standards and meeting is sometimes created by the leader himself (Lasthuizen, 2008). In some cases the people do not know that the work they are doing is unethical in nature and therefore causes the organization to suffer (Milgram 1974). The experiments by Milgram (1974) showed that the in case of some authoritative figure giving instruction to the employees to act in a unethical manner, chances were that the instruction was followed by the individual. The researches have shown that there is a definite level of discomfort in some cases that was caused of wrong doings in a pressure (Hogg et al. 2004 p. 251).

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