
Technology is changing faster and faster. Every industry needs to adjust to it. Over the last few years, new communication technologies such as shared online workspaces, workgroup messaging systems, the Internet of Things, and new uses of social media and social networks have changed how the health care industry functions. In this assignment, you will analyze communication techniques for new technology.

Research emerging communication technologies that are being used in, or could be used in, health care.

Choose 3 of these technologies.

Create a 1-page guide for each technology that explains the best practices for using the new technology that could be given to employees at a hospital. The guide can include visuals. You may use this optional template in your guide creation. Complete the following in your guide:

  • Describe the new communication technology and how to use it.
  • Discuss the main benefits of the new communication technology and why people and organizations in the health care industry are using it.
  • List best practices for leveraging the new communication technology.
  • List things to avoid when using the new communication technology.
  • Discuss potential privacy issues important to the health care industry that could be impacted using the new communication technology.
  • Include a brief summary of how the technology compares to other communication technologies.

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