How the lack of food in Yemen can be solved?










Yemen state has been on the midst of the deteriorating humanitarian crisis for the high fuel and food prices. Rise in poverty levels and breakdown of social services and reduction on resources has made about 10.5 million people to be food insecure. Internal conflict with political instability has affected the productivity of the organization in the assessment of the activities for the management of the tasks, (Britton, 2011). Since 2008, Yemen citizens have been limited to the obtaining of adequate amounts of food. The amount doubled to about 10 million while 267000 children are being affected, (Elvin and Gabor, 2009). Problem of food insecurity has left over 24 million people in Yemen being severely Malnourished. Wars in South and North Yemen displaced 500000 people, (Britton, 2011). Conflict made it harder for the farmers to continue in the production of the food. Prices of the imported foodstuffs increased while citizens fought with the price fluctuations of commodities, (Johns, 2011). Problem of food insecurity has forced poor families to take their children to the streets in order to beg for bread.

Purpose of research

Research will be grounded on the evaluation of the food insecurity issues and solutions that can help in the management of the food crisis. Evaluation of the state will help in the determination of the best efforts that can be used for the eradication of the food problem in the state of Yemen.


2013 survey of UN and Hunger relief fund survey, expressed the rise in nutritional status and food security situation for the state of Yemen. Yemen is required to focus on the pillars of food security for the citizens, (Leon, and Dominick, 2009).

2.1 Pillars of food security

Pillars of food security are access, availability, utilization and stability.


Food availability will be based on the assessment of the related supply of food exchange, distribution and production. Issues of land ownership, soil management, breeding and crop selections should be available to the citizens. Research into the agricultural fields will help the citizens to utilize the present possibilities that can generate the overall exchange of trading system and food productions.


Affordability or accessibility of the food products plays a crucial part in the provision of preferences for individual’s in Yemen. Scarcity of food and the inability of access can destroy the state of managing the food prices, (Elvin and Gabor, 2009). Access will depend on whether the households have enough resources for the growth of the foodstuffs. Unstable harvests should be supplemented relief offering for the citizens of the state, (Johns, 2011). Poor transport infrastructure will reduce the impact of food wasted from the distribution process of the food.

Utilization and Stability

Government should offer programs allowing the sustenance of food for citizens over periods. Chronic, seasonal and transistor food security should be predicted and controlled by the government. Parents and households should be educated on the ways of conserving foodstuffs for stable supply of food.

2.2. Factors required for improvement of National food security

Highest-level commitment

 The president of the state should focus on talking to the different relief organizations for the support of the food accessibility. States accountability should be geared to the support of the lives of the citizens and not control of terrorism, (Britton, 2011). Control of the food crisis will help in the reduction of the internal conflicts between the citizens of the state. President and state officers should look at the root of the different insecurity problems affecting the state, (Laverne, 2009). All ministries of the organization should be on the definition of the activities acquired in the organization.

Close collaboration of secretariats

 Secretariats are required to focus on the offering of the social protection food and nutrition.  Coordination with the other agencies will help in the assistance of the collaboration affecting the regulatory and procedural dispatch of equipments, (Clinton, 2009). Logistical aspect will be in the definition of the transportation, distribution and handling of equipments offered for the states parties, (Leon, and Dominick, 2009). Serviceability and shelf-ties for the pieces of equipment for different specifications will be on the assessment of the humanitarian assistance.

Large-scale Poverty alleviation program

Rise in the level of illiteracy, urbanization, slow job growth, improper training and unequal distribution of income have led to the state of food insecurity for the lives of the citizens of Yemen, (Laverne, 2009). Programs will help in the training of beneficiaries and offers an opportunity of managing the possible states for gainful self-employment and ventures. Organizations should rally form relief and maintenance of the citizens to be in school. Education of the citizens will help in the increased development and assessment of participation in the maternal healthcare and nutritional programs, (Clinton, 2009). Society will be required to be made aware of the need for the provision of maternal healthcare and nutrition programs.

Improvement of Transparency

Governmental institutions will be required to improve the state of transparency in the movement of funds for the management of the opportunities to offer food improvement resources for the management of the tasks, (Elvin and Gabor, 2009). Regular processes of evaluation and monitoring increased the state of managing the productivity of the organization. Drinking water, and infrastructural developments should be recorded and displayed to the public on the overall spending and operational success.


 Research has indicated different strategies that can be used or applied in the management of the food crisis in Yemen.  Firstly, leverage of the petroleum subsidy has been focused as a sense for the form of promoting the food security, (Leon, and Dominick, 2009). Direct transfer  to the purchase of food will help in assuring the success of the organization on the management of tasks. Secondly, national leaders should offer company policies that will foster job opportunities for the natives. Pro-food secure investment will be based on the promising of sectors for the assessment of activities in the organization, (Clinton, 2009). Thirdly, Yemen should assure agricultural transformation. Transformation will seek to assess the reduction policies and support of the agricultural development. Fourthly, Yemen should embrace the food trade revolution, (Yang, 2009). The assessment will require the improvement of the risk management and enforcement of competition for the cereal importers and consideration of the physical grain storage for emergencies. Fifthly, relief programs should focus on the provision of the water storage facilities, (Leon, and Dominick, 2009).  Management of the water provision will help the natives to embrace programs for the management of the food insecurity affecting the state.


In conclusion, Yemen food insecurity can be solved. The research evaluated the different recommendations that can allow the state to be secure in food production. Exchange of the food will require the efficient trading systems and market institutions to be based on the evaluation of the impact of food security. Per Capita world food supplies will require an adequate aspect of offering security to all the individuals with food security problems.


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