Personality and individual differences

Discipline Management

Assignment type : Reports

Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 275 – 3025 pages (6 pages)
Type of service: Custom writing

1.Analyse the impact from selected topic will have on an employees motivation at work (include a relevant motivation model or theory) and to the Organisational Behavior.

2.The assignment should be in report format and written in a persuasive style that includes critical analysis from relevant literature and research.

3. Assignment must be submitted in report format.
Familiarise yourself with the writing, structure and presentation of reports and the referencing of material. Your report should not exceed 2,500 words in length, excluding the appendices and the reference list. Appendices should however be used sparingly.
All references to both academic literature and other published sources must be attributed using the Harvard referencing system, which must be used accurately.
Improper citations or plagiarism will result in work being referred to the School Academic Misconduct Officer who will make a decision about any penalties that may be applied to the grade.

Excellent use is made of a wide range of published academic studies in personality and individual differences or attitude and job satisfaction (assessment one). Text book opinions are acceptable, however it is important that students develop a more critical perspective on their chosen topics and refer to peer-reviewed journals. Then students are expected to critically analyze the impact of the chosen topics will have on employee motivation and organizational behavior. At least 25% of the research studies referred to have been conducted within the past 5 years.

The essay shows very good levels of critical analysis, not just description, of the similarities and differences and the implications of these for motivation and organizational behavior. The work demonstrates a convincing knowledge of the topic chosen and their relationships to employee motivation. Students are expected to use appropriate motivational theories to support their arguments.

The essay is well written with appropriate referencing techniques used. Sentences are properly constructed and convey ideas and arguments in a clear manner. Arguments made are logical and coherent.

5. format:-

a.) Content
b.) Introduction
c.) Body
d.) Conclusion
e.) Refrences
f.) Summary

6. Word limit should be 2500 (references not under word count).

7. Report will put in TURN-IT , so we cannot copy matter as it is in websites and books. Copy
percentage cannot exceed 10%. So, be careful.

8. Use Harvard referencing style and it will not come under word count.

9. Contents must be strong and relevant.

10. use examples, pictures, pie-diagrams, bar graphs, etc.,

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