Project of launching my own training and coaching business

Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 2000 – 2100 pages (8 pages)

Discipline Project Management
Assignment type : Essay

1. Define a project that you are working on at your company or one that you wish to start either personally or for a future business idea you have. Be detailed here and provide information on the project strategy, mission, target audience, need that it is fulfilling and how why you feel this project is relevant.

2. Identify your project stakeholders, both internal (your team) and external (customers, community, environment, etc.).

3. Assess the risk of this project. Use the risk assessment tools learned in this module.

4. Create a project budget with ball-park estimates for the primary components. The numbers should be realistic but do not need to be exact for this scenario.

5. Create an activities network in Zoho or Microsoft Project. Create project milestones. Be specific with estimated duration and set dates for the milestones. Since you cannot add users to Zoho without an email address, before each task, write the role so it’s clear.

5a. Example of a task: MARKETING: Research all potential marketing channels for the new product

5b. Another example: PROCUREMENT: Research vendors for raw materials

6. Provide screen-shots and/or reports from Zoho/Microsoft Project of the following:

6a. Activities

6b. Gantt chart

6c. Milestones

**You can do a screen-shot by pressing the [FN] key and [PRT SCR] key down on your computer keyboard. Then press [CTRL] and [V] to paste the screenshot into your paper.

Further instructions are attached as well as details of my project which should be used.Also it has to be referenced in APA style and resources MUST be from book (also attached) .Essay should have 2000 words

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