Sensation and Perception:

Measurement of perception and sensation offers the focus of conscious awareness or attention. Our sense organs help us in detecting information about our surroundings through sensations provided in the surrounding. Stimuli are converted to signals that our brains are able to process. Brain interpretation of the sense organ information offers the provision of perception offering for assessment. Psychophysics can help in the assessment of ways of studying our perception and sensation requirements. Different elements contribute to our perception. Stimuli observed, felt, smelled, heard or tasted help in contribution of perception to the society. Grounds, figure, area, similarity, uniform connectedness, continuity, proximity or closure of elements assure interpretation of experiences. Any changes of the elements in the world will offer a different interpretation of elements and activities.

 Two people can easily sense the same things together. Perception of the sense elements will be different as the one offered. Perception of a person will remind them of the probable ways needed for the valuation of the perceived meaning of what people say or perform. Our perception can be easily altered by the items we observe. Interpretation of scene on prior knowledge, basing an element on stimulus salience and local contrasts of color are the different ways the brain can trick our perception. Visual systems require the determination of color of objects and shares the checks on the floor. Local contrasts of color, perception of paint boundaries for soft and sharp edges can be observed.


A human body works all the day. Fatigue and need for the revival of strength forces humans and other humans to sleep. Lack of sleep will lead to failure in the aspect of performance for the body of the individual. Types of sleep patterns are the following. Mono-phasic sleep pattern focuses on one sleep per day. It is common for people sleeping in a period of about eight hours in a day. Secondly, Bi-Phasic sleep pattern is where people have two sleeps in the day. Afternoon naps are common in this sleep pattern. Poly-phasic sleep pattern includes sleeps with four to six periods of sleep.

People are likely to dream in all their sleep. Research indicates that people dream four to six times in the night. Dreams are caused by the knowledge we have on certain issues. Many times people dream of what they know. Frequency of the dreams helps in the realization of the state of health of people. There are different types of dreams. Memorable, Bizarre, dreams waking a person early, dreams of being attacked and sexual dreams are obtained by different types of people.

Hypnologic State is a stage of transition between sleep and waking up. Dreams can be remembered when a person will wake up in between the dreams. Dreams cannot be controlled in time. Sleeping on a decision means the weighing of what is recognized to what is not known. Insomnia is a common disorder for sleep. Advanced sleep phase disorder, Non-24-Hour sleep-wake syndrome, Obstructive sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, Jet lag and work shifts affect the norms of the body in functioning of the different tasks and procedures.


            Conviction and environment of an individual knowing the problem of the state will lead to the overlooking of empirical evidence. Sensitization of the ideology of paranormal activity will make a person to belief or unbelief of the tales on paranormal activity. Personally I do not believe in paranormal activities. An encounter and examination with the paranormal elements will help my unbelief. People offer ideas of the paranormal activities. Cultural norms and belief enforce or sensitize the occurrence of the paranormal activities.



Luke T. (2010). Richard Wilhelm’s Chinese Networks: Paranormal investigations: Journal on Chinese Studies in History, 43, 3, 56-83.



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