Project Title/Subject Systems Development
Type of Service Essay
Urgency 4 days
Academic Level Masters
Citation Style APA Style
No. of Sources/References 2
English UK/US/AU? English US
Description The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is the traditional process used to develop information systems and applications. The SDLC development process is sequential. Scrum is a new development process that was created, in part, to overcome the problems that occur when using the SDLC. Scrum is an agile development process that is iterative and incremental.

Assume you run a library. The collection of books varies from fiction, non-fiction, children’s, self-help, and so on. You want to develop a mobile application so that your customers can reserve the books they want to borrow in advance.

In an essay, compare and contrast the use of the SDLC and Scrum for developing your application. Recommend one of these two processes and justify your recommendation.

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