Topic: Assyrian
Volume:7 pages
Format: APA
Type : Essay
Intercultural Research Report
This required paper has two distinctive parts: (1) “self-identity” and (2) a review a current
intercultural research article.
Length: Approximately 7-8 double-spaced pages in 12-point New Times Roman font with
1-inch margin. Please follow APA guidelines for margins, title page, source
citations and references. Note—no abstract is required.
Value: 50 total points
Suggested Format:
APA Title Page = page 1
Part 1: Cultural “Self” Identity (starts on page 2) – No abstract is required.
Write 3-4-pages description of your cultural background and indicate how you think it might
affect your communication with others (both people from the same culture as you and those from
other cultures). You might want to talk with other family members before writing this
assignment. Your assignment is to write a cultural profile describing yourself. One’s identity or
self-concept is built on cultural, social, and personal identities:
• Cultural Identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.
It involves learning about and accepting the traditions, heritage, language, religion,
ancestry, aesthetics, thinking patterns, and social structures.
• Social Identity represents membership in particular groups within one’s culture. The type
of groups with which people identify can vary greatly, but might include similarities due
to age, gender, work, religion, social class, ideology, place (neighborhoods, region,
nation), and common interests.
• Personal identity is based on unique characteristics, such as abilities, talents, quirks,
preferences that may differ from others in one’s cultural or social groups.
Specifically, you should discuss the following about yourself (but you can say more)
• Something about your cultural background: where you grew up, your ethnic heritage, your
language background, family history, religious affiliation, age, gender, class, national,
regional and/or sexuality identity.
• Any intercultural and/or international experiences you’ve had (e.g. have you studied
and/or traveled overseas?
• Do you have family members from different religious, ethnic, national cultures? Do you
have any family members who were born outside the U. S? Have you had a roommate
whose cultural background differs from yours?
• Do you work in a job where you encounter people from different cultures? And etc.).
• Something about your interests and/or hobbies
COMM 4160 – Report 2
To view a sample of a Self Cultural Identity section, see Sample in the WRITTEN
Part 2: Current Intercultural Research Article (3-4 pages of content), approximately page 4
or 5
Write a 3-4-page research report about an intercultural communication published article. This is
the “research” aspect of this assignment. So, demonstrate your research skills!
Select an intercultural communication related article in which you’re interested. The article
MUST be from a peer-reviewed journal or other scholarly source published in the last 5 years
(e.g., Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, Communication Education, Chronicle of
Higher Education or see a list of Journals and Databases posted on the University’s Library
webpage). This needs to be a scholarly article, not a magazine, website, blog or etc.
If you have questions about the appropriateness of your article, please ask at least one week in
advance in the forum opened in Blackboard.
Once you have chosen an article, read the article so that you thoroughly understand it. Then write
a brief paper that demonstrates your ability to apply the D. I. E that is commonly used to
examine carefully:
a. Article identification: Provide a complete APA style reference at the beginning of
this section, so I know the article. If it doesn’t meet the set criteria (recent
intercultural COMMUNICATION article, I will not read any further and explanation
of why you selected this article. See example in the sample paper.
b. Description: Provide an original description of the intercultural communication
1. The main purpose, issue or problem the author is focusing on in this article.
2. Brief summary of the research methods and results.
3. The conclusion(s) being drawn by the author
c. Interpretation: Provide a well thought out interpretation of meaning of the research
to intercultural communication theories, concepts, ideas or perspectives. You need to
answer, “Where does this practice fit in our discussion of intercultural
communication?” This aspect of the paper requires synthesis of prior knowledge
and address the issue of “so what?” For example, you may wish to consider the
4. The implications of the conclusion(s) to intercultural communication concepts,
theories, ideas and etc.…
5. The main concepts, theories, ideas being used in the article relevant to the main
idea and course concepts, theories, points of view from you reading.
6. The point of view of the author, including the author’s assumptions and how it
might be influence by intercultural communication phenomenon.
COMM 4160 – Report 3
d. Evaluation: Perhaps the applied aspect of this assignment is your ability to link the
findings to Intercultural Communication Competence. Here, you want to explain
clearly and concretely how knowing this information will help both you and others
enhance their intercultural communication competence. You may want to
consider the following:
7. Discuss the significance of the issue that is the focus of the article. Why is it
important? On what do you base your assertions regarding its significance?
8. What potential problems do you see in the author’s reasoning? What potential
problems are there with the author’s use of information? Does the information
used appear relevant, significant, valid, and sufficient for the conclusions being
drawn? Do you have enough information to determine whether the information is
relevant, significant, or valid?
9. What point of view is ignored by this author, or has not been considered in
dealing with the issue?
There is no a sample of the research article section of this paper, as I expect original research
reporting here (but there is a sample of the article identification).
For More Information:
Korzybski, the general semanticist, wrote of similar concepts in his work on description,
inference and judgment. In 1973, when Janet Bennett and Milton Bennett were in graduate
school at the University of Minnesota, they were working in the intercultural workshop program,
along with many others at the University. As ICW sessions progressed, they developed the
Description, Interpretation, and Evaluation exercise. It further evolved at the ICW at Portland
State University into the version currently in use. Since that time, ICI has distributed literally
thousands of copies of the most recent rendition to other trainers and educators, and it is
currently on the ICI website. I have used their general framework to shape this Cultural
Practice assignment.
COMM 4160 – Report 4
COMM 4160: Intercultural Communication Research Report (Revised)
Self-Assessment & Instructor Critique
This is a worksheet for both the student to complete on the expected outcomes of the assignment. It is suggested
that you complete the “Student” section but indicating with a “yes” or “no” if any item has been included or excluded. If
no, please makes notes to yourself to revise your paper before submitting it for evaluation.
Please submit a statement that you have reviewed the rubric with your paper content on your title page:
Part 1: Cultural “Self-Identity” – Add your Name:
Items for Review Student’s Evaluation: yes or no, or self-comments
Is part 1 a minimum of 3-4 pages (not counting the title
Did you provide a discussion of a variety “self-identity”
topics (e.g., background, international experiences, diverse
family, work, friends, & hobbies-interest)?
Did you discuss specific “Cultural” identity aspects?
Did you discuss specific “Social” Identity aspects?
Did you discuss “Personal” Identity aspects?
Summary & transition provided?
Part 2: Current Intercultural Communication Article
Is part 2 a minimum 3-4 pages (not counting reference page
as appropriate)?
Is the article a peer-reviewed scholarly source published in
the last 5 years?
Did you provide a complete article Identification at the
beginning of this section in APA?:
Description: Did you provide an original description of the
research article (main purpose-issue, methods, results, &
Interpretation: Did you provide a clear articulation of the
cultural significance demonstrating your understanding of
intercultural communication research by synthesizing
theories, concepts, ideas or perspectives, as well as the
author’s implications?
Evaluation: Did you provide a thoughtful application of the
research to enhance, improve and/or demonstrate
intercultural communication competence (e.g., significance,
limitations, & future usefulness)?
Writing Style:
Submitted on time online & see below*
*Well written & well organized formal writing style. This includes but is not limited to: (a) spelling & grammar
checked, (b) basic writing format (intro, body, conclusion), (c) inclusion of headings, internal summaries &
transitions and (d) applied APA guidelines to all aspects of the assignments (title page, in-text, citations,
references, margins and overall formats. An abstract is not required. Meets the overall writing goals of the