Topic:Building online brand


Volume:8 pages

Type: Other

Format: MLA


Training Program Portfolio

Below are described the elements that should be included in your portfolio. Dependent on the topic and the
specific situation, some parts might be longer or shorter or you may need to include additional materials to
demonstrate the strengths of your program. Format: The portfolio is a compilation of multiple parts and each part
will require slightly different format. In some parts, it will be perfectly fine to list activities or questions; and in
other parts, you have to provide descriptive explanations. Some descriptions and suggestions may not apply to
you. Review the grading sheet on the last page and make sure to have all grading parts covered.
You must submit your project on time and be ready to comment on all aspects. You can choose to do the project
alone or in a team of up to 3 members. If you choose to work in a team, all team members will be responsible for
each part of the project. Even if you split the responsibilities among team members, each team member must be
familiar with the final document.
Part A. Introduction: Cover page & Overview
1. One cover page with the title of the training program, names of team members
2. About a page of TP overview
o Shortly describe the topic, the intent of the TP, target trainees, target company, desired outcomes
3. About a page will be the perfect size – concise and to the point.
Part B. Needs Analysis
1. This section will be different dependent on the topic.
2. If you choose to create a plan for TP (most typical choice):
a. Because you decide on the necessary training, your needs analysis will be somewhat different
b. Describe how the needs will be identified – show questionnaires, discuss data gathering
techniques to determine the starting point for the TP.
3. If you choose to create a TP for a real business:
a. You are expected to extensively analyze the circumstances in the company (or the target group of
trainees) in order to determine the training needs. You may be directed to the desired type of
training or you may truly determine the needs based on observations and interviews with
employees & managers and employees.
b. Once the general topic of the training is determined (e.g., safety, customer service), you have to
expand the needs analysis to define the scope and depth of the training. You have to clearly
describe the process of identifying the needs at organization, person, and task level. The length
and intensity of each of this analysis will depend on the specific situation.
Part C. Training (learning) objectives
1. Based on the needs analysis and the general purpose of the TP
2. Must have 4-7 training objectives.
a. Have a healthy mixture of knowledge, behavioral, and result objectives
b. At least one objective must be behavioral
3. Make sure that the objectives meet the standard for well written objectives.
a. Quantitative and measurable; attainable (reasonable) and realistic
Part D. Training content/implementation – must have all materials fully developed
1. This is the core of your TP portfolio.
2. Provide detailed account of everything that will take place during the training program.
3. The content must cover all materials, knowledge, skill building, exercises, video to be shown, practices,
and any other engagement of the trainees as a part of the program.
4. The portfolio has to reflect all of the information relevant to the training – must be comprehensive.
5. Training content
a. Knowledge – so called declarative knowledge
 List in details the knowledge that trainees will obtain as result of the program
b. Skills
 List skills that trainees will acquire as a result of the training – for example: Interpersonal
skills, Coordination, Data base use, Leadership, Website use, etc.
c. Attitude
 List attitudes that the training is supposed to improve or modify
 For example – trainees’ job satisfaction, general positive attitude in customer
interactions, trainees’ interest in managing their money, etc.
6. Trainees – what is the target for training, who is going to be trained, how will the trainees be selected?
a. Everyone or some employees
1. Random sample
2. Employees with difficulties
3. Best or worst performers; violators
b. Is everyone going to receive the same type and amount of training?
c. You may have a predetermined sample so none of the above applies
7. Trainers – Criteria to choose the trainers
a. Characteristics, skills, and qualifications of the trainers
b. Insiders or outsiders; company trainers or outsourcing
c. Provide rationale for your decision
8. Training/ Instructions and materials for the trainers (if any)
a. Initial instructions for the trainers or training coordinators – these instructions must be written and
consistent with the training content
b. Instructions will be different dependent on the type of trainers
c. Attach examples of aids or materials that the trainers may need to use
9. Materials and handouts for the trainees
a. What the trainees will receive as a part of the training
b. To be consistent with the training method
c. No need to be a full package, just examples will be fine
10. When will the training take place?
a. Provide explanation about your choice – pros and cons
b. For example: After, before or during work hours; getting paid for the training time or not.
11. Where will the training take place?
a. Provide explanation about your choice – pros and cons
b. For example
1. On site: Work stations, Conference room, Special facility, etc.
2. Off-site: In special training facilities, In a vacation resort/ hotel, etc.
12. How are you going to keep trainees interested in the training?
a. Trainees motivation to obtain knowledge/ skills
b. Interest in applying the training in the job (training transfer)
i. Will you recommend any changes in the company, social environment, etc.
ii. Do you anticipate any stimuli for applying the new skills and knowledge
13. Training program schedule
a. Outline a demo training schedule including various activities incorporated in the program – by
days, hours, participants
Part E. Training methods
1. Clearly state the methods chosen for the training program.
a. For example: Lecture/ presentation, Hands-on and demonstration, Webcast, Audio-video
presentation, etc.
2. Describe at length the rationale behind the choice of each method. Make sure to consider effectiveness,
cost, applicability, availability, and other criteria.
3. This is a separate discussion from the detailed description no the content (section below) .
4. You must have a creative component (separate grade).
Part F. Training evaluation
1. Precise description of how the training (and all of its elements) will be evaluated.
2. When the training evaluation will occur and what kind of evaluation criteria will be used. Be as specific
as possible and justify your choice in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.
3. Evaluation criteria, for example
a. Reactions to the program – willingness of future participation, etc.
b. Job knowledge
 Paper and pencil test on all the job performance aspects listed above
 Test of specific job skills
c. Interpersonal skills – questionnaire
d. Subjective assessment – hard to scale but helpful for the trainer
e. Role play – rated and can be used for the training also
f. Attitude tests – Job satisfaction and commitment; Well-being and job-career conflict; Personality
inventories – FFM, MBTI, locus of control; attitudes related to service, etc.
g. Behavioral changes – soon after the training or later on
h. Must have a measure for the required behavioral objective
i. Changes in productivity, profitability, quality of customer service, etc.
j. Have to show specific questionnaires or activities (no need for a full measure)
4. Evaluation design – must discuss it!!!
a. Pretest – outline the tests to be used – provide examples
b. Post-test – outline the tests to be used – provide examples
i. are they different than the pretests? – provide justification for your choices
ii. how many times post-test will be implemented
c. How will be trainees assigned to training?
d. Will non-participants be measured?
e. Steps to avoid threats to validity
5. Develop the evaluation questionnaires, measures or us available questionnaires/ surveys (cite)
6. Measures – before, after, or several times after; gather and analyze the data (if applicable)
7. Present the results and discuss the success of the program (if applicable)
8. If not collecting actual data, discuss how the evaluation data would inform about the success of TP
Part G. Conclusion & Self-assessment of the training program
1. Wrap up the training program with an overall conclusion.
2. Shortly discuss how the proposed content of the TP addresses the stated objectives.
3. Discuss strengths and weaknesses of your program.
4. Clearly identify how the training program will address the needs as identified in the needs

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