Topic:chapter 13 and 16 homework assignments

Subject:Human resource management

Volume: 2 pages

Type: Essay

Format: MLA


Assignment 4 Assignment Includes Chapters 13 16
Submit chapter assignment in one attachment
Write one page on each chapter of what you have learned (in your own words) What you found interesting and information you did not know. (doubled spaced)
Chapter 13: Answer questions 1, 3 & 4 (page 529 ) Case Study 1 Question 1 Case Study Two , question 1 & 4.
Describe in your own words: wrongful discharge, mediation, open door policy, step-review system, whistle-blowing, constructive discharge and HIPAA.
Pick one topic in this chapter and research it. Include the URL and write a summary (at least 100 words) of what you learned from this site/topic. (in your own words)
Chapter 16: Answer questions 1, 3 & 4. page 645 & Case Study One, question 1 & 2. Case Study Two, question 1.
Explain (in your own words) Quality of Work Life, high-performance work, Knowledge development, strategic alignment and HR.
Pick one topic in this chapter and research it. Include the URL and write a summary (at least 100 words) of what you learned from this site/topic. (in your own words)

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