
volume:7 pages

Type: Research paper

Volume: 7 pages

Format: MLA


Course: The Modernist Explosion :Culture, Literature, Art and Film in German-speaking Europe, 1900-1933 . Pages:7-8 1. Your research paper must be your own original work and should not merely repeat points have covered in class. (It will be natural, however, that you build upon and develop ideas we have discussed in class.) 2. The research paper should include a title, a clear thesis, and several well-defined paragraphs. 3. The research paper should have at least five quotations from one or more texts. (A good paper will probably have more quotations.) 4. If you are writing on the visual arts your essay should include a picture of the image(s) or object(s) you are considering. 5. The essay should include at least one still (a frame, an image) from the film if you are focusing on a film. 6. The essay should be typed and double-spaced. Turn in a hard copy. 7. Please include your name, the date. 8. Include bibliographical information for the texts and materials you write about. Use MLA style. Read Textbook: Dietmar Elger, Dadaism. Basic Art Series, Taschen, 2015 There is a google drive link which contains some martial from this book: Dadaism (beginning at 1916, early period) 1. Analyze five or more of a Dadaist artist. Pay attention to form, color, materials, media, arrangement, etc. What is the overall effect? You may also go beyond the images in our book if you like. A few images that might be especially worthy of in-depth analysis are: –Hans Arp, “Collage Arranged According to the Laws of Chance” –Raoul Hausmann, “Mechanical Head (Spirit of the Age)” –Hannah Höch, “My Domestic Mottoes” –Kurt Schwitters, “Merzpicture 29A. Picture with Flywheel” ANG What do you think of Marcel Duchamp’s “Fountain”? How does it prompt us to ask what a work of art is? How does it defy what has previously be defined as art? Ideas that you might consider here include: beauty, skill, representation, the intention of the artist, cultural traditions about art, the interpretation of the viewer, the cultural/social situation or content (e.g. an art gallery or museum), the art market (e.g. that someone may buy it), the sociopolitical context (war, injustice).

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