Topic:Diabetes and Obesity


Type: Essay

Volume: 6 pages

Format: APA

Description file:///C:/Users/HP%20Owner/Downloads/JBR20304%20(1).pdf Instructions: • The paper is written at the level of the audience (Writing for science is different from writing to explain something to a lay person, etc.) • The paper does not stray from the topic and only presents material that is relevant to the topic. • The sequence of the paper follows logically, so the reader can follow the “argument” easily. • The recommendations (or conclusions) follow directly from the material that has been presented in the paper. Paper Format: Introduction – What is the problem or focus of your paper? Why should we care? – Background material on why focus on this issue/problem/question. • Review of Literature/Middle part – Present in a logical and coherent fashion – Remember to ensure relevance to your question/problem – Use figures/tables when appropriate Discussion – Integrate material from references into arguments – Contrast and evaluate different arguments – Relate argument to your thesis– Integrate material from references into arguments – Contrast and evaluate different arguments – Relate argument to your thesis • Conclusions/Recommendations – Summarize what the review has told you/us but don’t repeat what you have already presented – Any recommendations? • Impacts on health? • Future research? • References – Minimum 6 references (peer-reviewed and primary source) My Teaching Assistant also said to include: consider factors not just at an individual lifestyle level, but also systemic factors (ex: SES, geographic location, etc.) Make sure to use a critical, well-rounded approach when discussing potential cure strategies– what are some limitations that would make this challenging (ex: financial, policy, etc)?

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