Topic:Domestic violence


Volume: 5 pages

Format: MLA

Type: Research paper


In this essay, you will do research on a cultural studies, historical, or literary issue and question that relates to literature we’ve read this semester, and use that researched knowledge to develop and support a thesis-based essay in response to that question. Reference to the literature may be made, in addition to required sources, but is not necessary, as your research may take you in other directions. Step One: Choose a topic, find Sources, develop a question (Quiz Grade) Step Two: Research your question, write an Annotated Works Cited for five sources (10% of Final Grade) In this assignment, you will write an Annotated Works Cited for your five sources. Each entry in the annotated works cited should include: * MLA format works cited entry for that source * Description of the source’s main ideas, in which you are expected to use a mix of summary, paraphrase, and quotation for each source. Each of these methods of citation should be cited correctly using MLA format (this means parenthetical in-text citations) * At least one sentence that addresses how this source relates to your essay five question, and how it might relate to your thesis As with all essays, this should be submitted on paper for feedback and on D2L to be checked for plagiarism Annotated Works Cited Step Three: Write a draft of Essay Five, and participate in peer review (Quiz Grade) Step Four: Write Essay Five (20%) In this assignment you will state and develop a thesis about your research question, supporting your ideas with both researched material and your own analysis of that material. NOTE: No more than one third of the final paper should be cited material, including quotation, paraphrase and summary/description. Essay Five Guidelines Audience Literary scholars who have not read the research. This means that in order for your interpretation to make sense, you’ll need to describe and summarize your sources at various points during your essay, and use a tone that is appropriate for an academic audience. NOTE: description and summary of the literature should never be the entire purpose of a paragraph or essay. Purpose In this essay, you will research a cultural studies, historical, or literary issue and question that relates to literature we’ve read this semester, and use that researched knowledge to develop and support a thesis-based essay in response to that question. Format These essays should: Be written using MLA format and citation style, including in-text citations and works cited pages. Be STAPLED, typed and double-spaced in a reasonable font (Calibri, TNR, etc) with 1-inch margins. Cite and refer to at least five sources found via GIL, the Universal Catalog, GALILEO or other library databases and resources. Sources found on Google, if reliable, may be used, but they will not count toward the five sources. If you refer to the syllabus literature, which you might do, be aware that it also doesn’t count toward the five sources. Length: 1400 words Skills to Demonstrate in Writing This Essay Locate relevant sources using library resources Use exploratory research to develop a thesis about your issue/question Support and develop that thesis with evidence from literature and research Use summary, paraphrase, and quotation to gracefully integrate source material into your own thinking and writing, according to MLA style, with no intentional or unintentional plagiarism Organize your ideas into focused paragraphs Write with clarity Use correct grammar and spelling

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