Topic:Environmental impact on the use of motor vehicles

Subject:Environmental studies

Volume: 6 pages

Type: Report

Format: APA


1.Issue description:
Hint: Be specific in your description, of what your activity is specifically, what is its frequency, etc. and why it is not sustainable.
My Sustainability Assessment will address the impact of the use of motor vehicles. I tend to rely on my car as a main source of transportation. On average I accumulate 275 kilometers on a weekly basis. There has been much evidence that driving vehicles are negatively affecting the environment. Whether cars run on petroleum or diesel, they both cause extensive damage and are clearly unsustainable.
2. Desired outcomes: Briefly explain each of the following outcomes:
(a) My issue is / is not ecologically sound because…

My issue is not ecologically sound because of the negative impact it has on the environment. The use of motor vehicles contributes to serious environmental problems, which include global warming, acid rain, resource depletion, noise pollution, and congestion (Lowe, 1990)

The major elements of motor vehicle pollutants are Carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter and sulfur oxide (SOx) (Das Sharma, 2008). Each of these elements play a prominent role in the environment and have an effect on our physical well-being.

(b) My issue is / is not economically feasible because…

Transportation is a vital part of our daily lives. It has become a fundamental part of the economy of industrialized nations (Vogler, 2016). Although the use of vehicles have many negative effects to our environment, it is however economically feasible in a societal way. One of the most obvious impacts cars have on the economy is the creation of jobs. There are many job opportunities involved in auto development such as, designing, marketing building and selling cars.

However on a personal standpoint, it is not economically feasible for myself to rely on the use of my car as a source of transportation. The cost of purchasing the vehicle, insurance, gas and maintenance is costly.

(c) My issue is / is not socially equitable because…

A recent study reports that, a high percentage of households do not own a car, because of economic or physical constraints (Brown, 2017). It is evident that owning a vehicle is not socially equitable due to these records that show it is not available for everyone.

3. References: Minimum three references from reputable sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journals, text-books, educational websites); no Wikis or encyclopedias. The references should be formatted using APA referencing format. For APA formatting information see the following link:

Brown, A. E. (2017). Car-less or car-free? Socioeconomic and mobility differences among zero-car households. Transport Policy, 60, 152-159.

Das Sharma, P. (2008). Pollution from Motor Vehicles – Urgency of development of environment-friendly, cleaner system for road transport. Safer and Greener. Retrieved March 8, 2018 from:

Lowe, M. D. (1990, October). Alternatives to the automobile: Transport for livable cities (Worldwatch paper 98). Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute.

Vogler, A. (2016). The House as a Product (Vol. 11). p. 102. IOS Press.

Scoring guide:
2 Description is clear and comprehensive. All necessary information is included.
1 Description is clear but some information is missing.
0 Description is missing, or lacks enough information as to impede understanding.

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