Topic:Human resource management with five (5) bibliographical references
Subject:Human resource management
Volume: 6 pages
Type: Research paper
Format: MLA
The paper can be written on any subject that is covered in the text book— Except for any subject on ethics or starting a business. “How does this relate to HR directly? What function does HR contribute to this topic?
Paper Requirements
Research Paper: You are required to write a research paper. Research for this paper must be based on no less than five (5) bibliographical references. The papers assigned for this course will be graded for proper grammar, spelling, content, organization, quality of research, and compliance with Modern Library Association (MLA) standards for research paper documentation. A research paper will not be accepted or graded unless it is typed/word processed and in accordance with guidelines that you have had in English 101 and 102 for writing research papers. Consult Diana Hackers Writers Reference 5 Edition for MLA standards. It is recommended that you utilize a word processing program, e.g., Microsoft WORD, which will allow you to spell check and grammar check your paper! More information will be given to you about this assignment and requirements. Wikipedia may not be used as a source. See examples at Students’ grades will be assigned based on content, style, grammar, spelling and presentation. Papers will be submitted to to check for possible plagiarism. Points will be taken off if the paper is turned in late. (one grade per day). An original paper, not used in another class or be anyone else. The paper will be turned into turnitin automatically. (For originality)
The paper can be written on any subject that is covered in the text book— Except for any subject on ethics or starting a business. My question will be when reading your paper, “How does this relate to HR directly? What function does HR contribute to this topic? If you have any questions on the topic, please email me for clarification.
Paper will include:
1. Why you selected this article/subject (why is this topic of interest to you, how can this topic be of help to you, how does this topic relate to HR, how will this topic help the company) (5%)
2. Review the information contained in the articles (45%). Summary of articles in your own words. Make sure you specifically state the Human Resources issues referring to our textbook (page numbers from our textbook) and use the terminology that we have covered in our text book. How does your topic correlate to HR?
3. Conclude with an interview from someone that has experience on this topic or someone that has an opinion on this subject. Give them a summary of your topic and ask them some questions or their opinion of your topic. (not necessary to include questions) Include a summary of their thoughts. Conclude with an analysis from you that summarizes your thoughts on the article. (30%)
The assignment will be 5 to 6 pages, word processed, double-spaced, with a cover page. Cover and work cited page does not count as a page. A Works Cited page also is a requirement. The paper will have margins of 1.0″ on the top, bottom, right, and left. (no more than a 12” font) Submit this paper (analysis) Grading for the paper is as follows:
1. One through three above will be a total of 80% of the assignment grade.
2. 20% of the grade will be clarity, grammar, writing style, presentation, adherence to instructions (cite page and cover page) , etc. Spelling, grammar counts.