Topic:Inflammation in cancer and how to prevent cancer?
Volume: 3 pages
Type: Research paper
Format: APA
This is a 3-page paper and should be 1.5 line spaced. • Chose 1 topic area from the topic category list and identify a contemporary issue for that topic area (e.g. the opioid crisis for drugs and alcohol or anxiety among millennials for psychosocial health). • Conduct your research and create a thesis which you will seek to defend e.g. Harm reduction strategies positively impact drug use? Physical education in schools be mandatory? • Critical thinking is encouraged. • The paper must follow APA format for citations, reference list and overall format of the paper • Conduct your research and identify your thesis statement. For example, if you are exploring the topic of technology and health, your thesis may be: social media impacts psychosocial health or if your topic is communicable diseases and children, your thesis may be: parents should vaccinate their children. • Your research material must include but not be limited to academic research material and the grey literature. You must use evidence from at least 3 scientific articles that have been peer reviewed and 1 articles/commentary from the grey literature (not Wikipedia). • Your paper must have an introduction identifying your thesis and the main portion of your essay will consist of arguments to support your thesis. The paper will conclude with a summary of your research and identification of future areas of research. The point of the research is to engage in critical thinking and to use your findings to support your thesis. This is not a review of your literature, do not present the findings from your research articles in an independent manner.