Topic:Jersey Spirit -Distillery Company


Volume: 6 pages

Type: Essay

Format: APA


Use this website and find out about Jersey Spirit Distillery Company in New Jersey and explore the economic and cultural model and analyze the market. To accomplish this you will need to understand the challenges faced by micro producers: both those unique to themselves and those shared by any business. What motivates the artisanal effort: independence, intrinsic and/or extrinsic satisfaction, social issues, money, or something else entirely, and has the actual experience delivered the hoped for results? What drives the consumer: fashion, local economy, sustainability, higher quality, nutrition, or something else entirely? Most importantly what will you takeaway? Having explored the micro producer and the market what have you discovered? Is there an underlying “food movement” or is this illusionary? Are these craftspeople searching for self-actualization or savvy business people capitalizing on a hot market opportunity, or a little of both? Is this a food systems solution as some claim or is it an increasingly industrialized organic/artisan system that is becoming exactly what it set out to replace? From your own and the producers point of view at what point does size change the dynamic, can a micro producer grow into a macro producer and stay true to the values (if you find values) they originally set out with. Ask the producer this directly. A useful analogy might be craft beer and Sam Adams – did you know that the microbrewery association raised the production limits allowed so that Sam Adams could retain their microbrewery designation? What are the ethical dilemmas faced by success and what are your insights and conclusions on all of this? This research paper should be 2,500-3,000 words in length. See assignments above for style, font, and other requirements. As in all research papers there should be: Purpose statement Introduction/overview Literature review (this would be a review of the existing research relative to the topic) Discussion/Implications Recommendations for further research.

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