Topic:Nutrition programs


Volume: 1 page

Type: Essay

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Nutrition programs, Nutrition education
Discussion 1.
A public nutrition program, it would be important to include professional development of the staffs, clear curriculum, and the use of social economic approaches. Under the clear curriculum, the nutritional program should be offered based on the needs of the public targeting particular behaviors that are sequential and achievable by the members of the public. Professional development of staffs such as school staffs concerned with food services and teachers would play a crucial role in educating the members of the general public. Similarly, in the use of social economic approaches, the program need to use social economic approaches to address different issues such as the use of home as well as community components or cafeteria intervention to emphasize on the positive behaviors.
An example of the program is USDA nutritional program which is responsible for providing a safety net for millions of Americans who are food-insecure and for developing and promoting dietary guidance based on scientific evidence. USDA works to increase food security and reduce hunger by providing children and low-income people access to food, a healthful diet and nutrition education in a way that supports American agriculture and inspires public confidence. Nutritional educational resources would include Florida department of agriculture and community resources that has established classrooms to teach people about a healthy diet.
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Discussion 2.
Everyone should be aware of what they are eating and what they can do to promote their health by good nutrients and exercise. Prevention is the main key to any disease or illness. Three main point to include in public nutrition programs are:
1) Developing healthy eating early in the childhood and adequate exercise:Children who are introduced to healthy diet early in life have better outcomes later in the future when it comes to their health. They are not at high risk for developing some of the chronic diseases such as obesity that can lead to some chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, lung disease, etc.
2) Promoting desirable food behavior and nutritional practices. “This can be achieved by providing information on the nutritional value of foods; the components of an adequate diet; making appropriate food choices and purchases from available resources; hygienic food preparation and handling of food; storage, processing and preservation of food; and equitable intra household food distribution according to the nutritional needs of family members. (Agriculture and nutrition).’
3) Increasing the diversity and quantity of family food supplies. “This can be achieved by providing information on methods of improving food production; crop selection and diversification; proper storage, preservation and processing; conservation of nutrients during food preparation; and the prevention of food waste.

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Today we live in a fast-paced world. Everyone wants things to be quick and easy. Obesity is on the rise in adults and our children. We need to be better educated on healthy eating and promoting a healthy lifestyle. First, we need to teach our children the importants of eating healthy. We can start by informing children the health problems that come from unhealthy eating (coronary heart diseases, diabetes, and some types of cancer) (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2014).
First focus needs to be on ways to prevent obesity such as, educating on what a healthy diet consists of. For example, drinking enough water in a day, eating lean meats and vegetables, and avoiding eats high in sodium and fats. Their needs to be education in schools to teach children about healthy foods and snacks. Second patients and families need to be educated on how to read food labels and know what items are concerned unhealthy and needs to avoided. If you understand what’s bad for you, then you will know what to avoid. Last patients and families need to know the importance of exercise. How much exercise needed every week and patients and families need to understand the importance of living an active lifestyle and the positive effects it will have on their life and body (Popkin, Adair, & Ng, 2012).

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Discussion 4.
Here in the United States and in some developed countries there are services and programs that are available to those in need due to age, illness, poverty or certain circumstances. Many are not educated or unaware on how to eat healthy or live a healthy lifestyle. These programs was created to prevent or reduce deprivation for individuals and communities. The three most important points to include in a public nutrition program will be 1). The Food Pyramid: which is a guide to show the types of food that should be eaten every day and shows a healthy balance of various food groups 2). Physical Activity: exercising can prevent health problems, build strength, boosts energy, and can help reduce stress. It can also help maintain a healthy body weight and curb your appetite 3). Cooking Demonstration to show individuals how to eat & cook healthy without using processed foods or saturated fats/oils.
Two nutritional education community resources are:
WIC (Women’s Infant’s, and Children Program) which is a free program to help assist pregnant and postpartum women, infants, and children under five years of age who meet certain income requirements in assisting them to purchase supplemental nutritious foods, providing them nutrition education, and referrals to different agencies.
Afterschool Nutrition Program- In my city we have an organization called the Jacksonville Children Commission who is the local sponsor of USDA’s Afterschool Nutrition program which serves nutritious snacks and supper meals for schools in Jacksonville and they also address healthy behaviors by educating and providing students the opportunity to learn about and practice eating and physical activity behaviors.

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