Topic:Professional Resource Collection


Volume: 3 pages

Style: APA

Type: other


FCCPC/CDA Professional Resource Collection SPS 01.01, SPS 06.01, SPS 06.05-09, SPS 07.02, SPS 07.11, SPS 09.01-05, SPS 54.0 Description: Every professional needs a resource collection. Directions: Collect the required documents for your resource collection for the FCCPC or National CDA certificate. The required documents are: 1. A summary of legal requirements in Florida regarding child abuse and neglect and your program’s policy regarding your responsibility to report child abuse and neglect. 2. Present current certificate of completion of pediatric CPR/First-aid training course. (N/A) 3. Name and contact information for an agency that supplies information on nutrition for children and/or nutrition education for families. 4. Weekly plan that includes goals for children’s learning and development, brief description of planned learning experiences, and also accommodations for children with special needs. 5. Strategies to promote phonological awareness among children whose home language is other than English. 6. Resources, materials, and translation services for families whose home language is other than English. Provide the agency name and contact information. 7. Documentation of program’s policies that specify parents’ responsibilities and what the program does for parents. (Example of a Parent Handbook) 8. Three samples of record-keeping forms used in early childhood programs. Include an accident report, emergency form, and a third form of your choice. 9. Name and contact information of agency that regulates child care centers and homes; copy of current regulations. 10. Brochures and membership information from two or three national early childhood education associations. (One with a local affiliate). 11. Four articles designed to help parents understand how young children develop and learn. At least one article must relate to guidance. 12. An observation tool for recording information about children’s behavior. One copy should be blank; the other filled out with a sample observation of an anonymous child. 13. Name and contact information of agencies in the community that provide resources for children with disabling conditions. 14. Name and number of an agency in the community where you work for making referrals to family counseling.

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