ENG 1131 C

Winter 2018

Written Assignment 3: Persuasive Letter


DUE DATE:                                      March 15, 2018

ASSIGNMENT VALUE:                10%


In this assignment you are asked to write a one page single-spaced persuasive formal letter using the concepts and techniques you learned in this course.


To complete this assignment, read carefully assignments 11, 12, or 13 on p. 115 (9th Edition) or on pp. 107-108 (8th Edition) of your textbook, Impact: A Guide to Business Communication, select one (1) assignment and write the requested letter or memo.




  • Bring your completed assignment in person to your workshop; submit an electronic copy of your assignment before 11:30 0M on due date.


  • Computer-type your report in 12-point Times New Roman font and use true single space.


  • Provide one-inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides of your documents and observe full block letter style.

















CONTENT                                                                                                                40%


  • The information in your persuasive letter or memo is relevant, accurate, ethical, complete for the circumstances described in your chosen scenario, and user-friendly.


  • You have chosen an appropriate pattern and included all the required components of a persuasive message.


  • You used concepts and techniques you learned in this course to write your letter.



ORGANIZATION                                                                                                    20%


  • The organization and layout of your letter follow standard conventions.


  • Good sequencing makes your letter easy to read.


  • You have followed the assignment’s formatting instructions.



LANGUAGE USE                                                                                                   40%


  • The language used is the student’s own.


  • Sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary are correct.


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